Wednesday, September 11, 2019

What I Buy Wednesdays

Last Wednesday--now follow along with me here--Virginia--the mother of our good friend, Jack whose wife is my best friend, Connie, whose daughters Amanda and Malinda were best friends with Sandy and Stephanie---invited me to join her table at the Centennial Club to listen to a guest speaker.

Mary Laura Philpott is a local author and also the host of "Word on Words" on NPT (Nashville Public  Television).
She spoke about her book of essays---I Miss You When I Blink.

She was a funny and interesting speaker. I enjoyed visiting with Virginia's friends. I like old people and always have. Good thing since all of my friends are old now too! Somehow, we don't recognize that in ourselves! Okay, we're not that old!!

Anyway, so what I bought---although it was a couple weeks ago was the book.
I wanted to read it in preparation for the luncheon. Although I enjoyed most of her stories, I didn't find it quite as satisfying as an actual memoir. She has written one other book for children.

You know how I am now about books. I prefer to get them through the library. But, I was not going to be able to get this one in time. So, I bought it. Surely I must have bought some other stuff this week, but nothing comes to mind.

Oh yeah, I did buy my first Christmas present!

1 comment:

  1. You bought a Christmas present? In September!!!! Will you remember where you put it by December? If I ever try to be organised I always put things somewhere safe and then forget about them!


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