A couple weeks ago, Karolyn “let” me do her table. I felt so privileged to do it—about my most favorite thing!
I always start out by asking a few questions. How often do you plan to use your dining room during the season? Obviously,if you plan to use it a lot, then this would not be a convenient tablescape. But if you are only going to use it once or twice, then you can really “junk” it up! And I mean that in a good way!

We started with a vintage tablecloth that she inherited from her mother. Although it’s not technically a Christmas design, the colors worked perfectly.
I asked her if she had any greenery. She took me into another room where I got to “shop” from her supplies! I love doing that. We finished with some sparkly pine cones and a few bottle brush trees. The whole thing turned out beautifully! I hope she asks me again next year!
So that's about it for tables---unless anyone has any they would like to share!!
We went to Charlotte over the past weekend to celebrate Christmas with them. On Saturday night, Sandy and Greg made a special dinner---traditional to them. The weekend before Christmas, they have crab legs with melted butter, strawberry pretzel salad, twice baked potatoes, green bean bundles and parmesan puffs. The whole meal was absolutely delicious! We had a Guiness cake for dessert---also so good and rich! But one of the things I liked the most was her table---of course!
I love that not only does she like to set a beautiful table, but she now has passed that love on to her girls. Elizabeth did the tables cape. I love the sparkly balls and glitter snowflakes.
Sandy originally had red candles and Elizabeth told her she needed the gold ones. Sandy ended up agreeing with her.
We are also a family that loves to do table favors. We always do something little to add to the festivity! Dinner was barely over and Elizabeth had already eaten her little cookies!!So that's about it for tables---unless anyone has any they would like to share!!
Can I get you to come do my table??? I'm such a scrooge when it comes to decorating.