So, my brand new bike was delivered on Wednesday. I haven't been on a bike (regularly) in probably 45 years. Butch put it together for me. My short legs barely can reach the ground. I told him to lower the seat, but he said it was as low as it will go.
I bought a helmet at Target. Safety first. Yeah, it looks real cute on. Not really, I look pretty stupid.
Here's my cruiser. It has the fatter seat, no fancy gears or hand brakes---just the old-fashioned regular pedal brakes.
Mindy and Butch went on "the greenway" on Saturday. I decided that I needed to practice in the driveway rather than just get out there. I'm not ready for miles and miles. I have to ease in to it because of my hives---that seat will definitely give me fits---and the handlebars. I'm going to take my time and break it in slowly.
Today was the day that I decided to give it a whirl. As soon as I got on the bike and turned it, the handlebars went wacky. I called Butch out to adjust them.
I have to admit, I was pretty nervous---scared, actually! I got going and kept it slow. I was on my second circle around the driveway when the seat slipped and I heard a piece hit the ground. I fell, but luckily my "padding" saved me.
I told Butch that either I'm too big for the bike or my "putter togetherer" did something wrong. He "fixed" it, but by that time, I just got on the treadmill. I might try it again tomorrow.
In the meantime, I'll let my elbow heal! If I have any more problems---well, at least I'm seeing an orthopedic surgeon on Tuesday for my toes!
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Ouch! I do admire you, though: what I've only been thinking about, you actually got out there and tried.. At the beginning of the summer I got TSO's bike out of the shed and thought about giving it a go. Still thinking about it.
ReplyDeleteNow let me think... a bike eh. Nope, I'll give that a miss thank you very much. I last rode a bike 40 years ago and I have no intention of getting sweaty like that again... ever! You are so brave
ReplyDeleteooh...that doesn't good. On the plus side at least you can still get your leg over to actually get on your bike!!! With my dodgy hip I can't even get on mine!