Friday, May 3, 2013

Off to Charlotte

We're visiting Sandy, Greg, Mitchell, Victoria and Elizabeth. It was grandparent's day today and Elizabeth's First Communion tomorrow. We arrived to this:
 The arbor to the backyard is covered in these beautiful blooms. I've never seen this plant before.
Then, up close, these cute little yellow beauties were peeking through. Sandy said the yellow flowers were first and covered the arbor. The peachy-pink ones came after. She said it's been a lot of fun to discover all kinds of new blooming things in their yard. They moved in the fall, so had no idea what the spring would bring.
 Elizabeth made this cross as part of her First Communion prep. I asked Butch what it reminded him of and he immediately said, "Santorini!" After nearly 42 years of marriage, we can read each other's minds!! Truly, it reminded us of this:
This is one of the beautiful homes built in to the side of the cliffs overlooking the Adriatic Sea.
Elizabeth made these potholders for me to match my green and blue kitchen. I made Victoria "model" them since the matched her shirt so well.

Sandy told us about the letter she received from the Catholic Gestapo reminding her that the First Communion would NOT fulfill your Sunday Mass obligation. They have to go every week to put their offering envelope in the collection basket. That acts as their attendance record. I've never heard of such a thing---keeping track of how many times you go to Church. Auto checks are not an option. I feel bad for them. It takes the joy out of going to Church.

Then, she told us horror stories about Mitchell and his smelly, sports clothes and athletic shoes. He even admitted that he had forgotten and left his basketball shoes in his car over night. He could barely drive to school the next day for the stench!! It's a whole different ball game with boys!!
 Here we are visiting E's class room. We did a craft project together---we decorated a napkin to be used as a bread basket liner. It's really cute. I'll have to get a picture of it.
Sandy is so little that she can share a child's chair with Elizabeth.

And now, for you entertainment---I taught E one of my hidden talents:

1 comment:

  1. Oh they have attendance books here that you have to get signed by the priest to ensure you get a place at the Catholic school. Including if you are on holiday...

    Cute video trick too :)


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