Friday, January 11, 2013

What a Way to Start my Birthday!

I woke up at a little after 4 a.m. That's pretty unusual these days as I'm sleeping until 5:30-6:30. I'm pretty sure I could have gone back to sleep, but my first thought was "Hey, it's my birthday! I'm going to have so much fun today---scrapbooking, lunch with Sally at 5th and Pine, happy hour and dinner with the fam, Guestures, and then a little Downton Abbey with my stitching." Sounds just like my idea of a perfect day. No work, just fun. I decided to go ahead and get up to enjoy the early morning with my tea and blog reading. Then, it happened---an unforeseen disaster!

Remember how I said I keep getting side-tracked from the task at hand? Here's how it started today: put tea on to brew; light fire in living room---candles too, since it's my b-day. As I'm heading to get my computer, I notice one of the poinsettias that's seen better days and decide it's time for it to go. As I was carrying it to the kitchen, it somehow flipped out of my hand. I watched in horror as it did a 360 in slow motion before hitting the floor and exploding.

It only took 10 minutes to clean up the mess, but as I was on my knees, it reminded me of another birthday---my 36th---that I spent cleaning a mess. A horrible mess. Even worse than that. A disgusting, smelly mess.

Mindy had just turned 4. She had her little friend, Leigh over after pre-school. Somehow, they were fighting over Astro---our "outside" cat that I would let them hold just on the threshold inside the kitchen door. The next thing I knew, Astro let out a yelp and darted through the kitchen leaving behind the most god-awful mess in her wake. I guess they squeezed her too tight. The girls were startled. I looked at the mess and literally, started shrieking at the top of my longs---"AAAAAaaaaahhhhhhhhh!" They started crying. I started crying. As soon as I shushed the cat out of the house and settled the girls in front of the tv with Dumbo, I set to work. I cried, as, on my hands and knees, I cleaned up that "s****y" mess, all the while lamenting, "I can't believe I'm cleaning up "s**t" on my birthday!"

At least this wasn't that bad. I can always look on the bright side. It's still going to be a great day---starting NOW!!

My birthday wish for you: "May you have a great day and no "s**t* in any form crosses your path!


  1. Happy Birthday Barbara. May the rest of your day be filled with joy. Also, It was nice to wake up to some wonderful comments on my blog this morning.

  2. Happy Birthday Barbara! Hope it's a great one

  3. Wishing you a happy birthday - have a good day!

  4. So every birthday without that happening is a bonus yes?
    I hope your day is full of sweet smelling lovliness

  5. Happy Birthday Barbara! Hope yesterday was as good as you hoped without any excrement at all....


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