Well, Steph pretty much said it all about the New Kids on the Block concert. But there are a few things I need to add. As I was waving my light sticks, the 30-something gal behind me tapped me on the shoulder and asked if I'd stop waving my light sticks as she wanted to take some pictures. I lowered them immediately and then got a little "mad". I was thinking, "what the heck, I paid $85.00 for my ticket too"! Then I quickly got ahold of myself and thought "for crying out loud Barb, you're 56 years old---what do you think you're in your 40's"? Anyway, I did wave my light sticks again, but I moved to the aisle seat as Connie was sitting down holding a sleeping Analise. At one point, I leaned down and said "looks like you are enjoying this as much this time as you did the last"!
When the "Kids" were performing on the mini stage, we were only 10 ft. away on our side. I didn't make eye contact, but they did make eye contact with my light sticks! Our group was one of the few that had them. Amanda surprised us with them---great idea. When the "Kids" left the stage, they were slapping hands---that's when Donnie "got" me!! I raised my hand high and pointed to it to brag to the "young uns".
The concert was high energy and really great. I didn't need those back-up dancers---too distracting. And I was impressed that I could stand pretty much the whole time. I do believe I would actually camp out for tickets again if the opportunity arose!
Yeah - the girls are all over it (wanting to go see them again). Morgan has been on their website everyday since our return. I tried to explain that we couldn't possibly do this again [at least not until after the new year!] and that all the good tickets are already sold, but she isn't listening! I am so proud that I have passed along my obsession to both my girls. We have listened non-stop to all the old stuff (including their very first album which is super fun!) and are looking forward to putting on their Christmas album in the not-to-distant future. All I can say mom, is "THANK YOU!!!!!!!"