Loud music is blaring and seemingly no one is home....
The t.v. has been left on all night....
The house is lit up like a Christmas tree---all day and night....
The laundry has reproduced to mammoth proportions....
You wake up to the sound of the door bell at 12:30 a.m. because they ordered pizza....
Their friends stay for days on end....
Your car is full of back packs and sports bags that don't even belong to "our" kids....
Strawberry Fanta is spilled/stained on your new decorative towels....
Soda cans are randomly placed around the house....
Navigating the bedrooms is like walking through a maze....
They have their friends over to get ready before the "big" game....
Your new duties include running the gang around to any of the following: mall, pool, MBA football, Father Ryan football, Ensworth football, cheerleading practice, friends houses---and picking them up....
Doling out money because their friends "forgot" theirs (did you know that it costs $8.00 these days for a high school football game?)....
Your tweezers, brush, razor and other assorted personal care items disappear....
Here's the evidence---Just a few more days.....

So this is what I have to look forward too, huh? Great, I can't wait.