Wednesday, May 22, 2024

What I Buy Wednesday

So. I think I've admitted before that I don't really know how to sew. Still, I keep plugging away. Luckily, I have a couple of friends who help me. Karolyn has come over several times---to---I'm ashamed to say---change the thread on my machine. Even with the instructions, I continue to have problems. She recently had to help me with the fact that my machine was messing up all the time. She pretty much determined that I might have wound my bobbin wrong. 

That's where my other sewing expert friend, Nancy E. comes in. I was telling her about my troubles. She gave me two simple hints that I am trying. First, she said the easiest way to change your thread is to cut off the old thread at the spool and tie the new thread to it. That way, you can easily just pull it through! I haven't done it yet but I plan to. Genius!

The next tip required a purchase. That's what I bought this week. Pre-wound bobbins! I had no idea there was such a thing. Nancy said it was worth it to just buy them, so I did.
I was able to get 12 pre-wound bobbins for a little over $3.00 on Amazon. Problem solved! Well, I have to put one in and try it out. I haven't done that yet, but hopefully all will work just fine. I'm not really confident I know how to do that. 

This next thing is not something I bought. But, rather, Butch bought. When I walked in the house one day, he said he had purchased it for the "kids." I thought he was referring to our girls. I said, "Don't we already have this?" To which he replied, "A long time ago."

Turns out, he bought this for the "littles" for Camp Aunt Barb coming up in just a couple weeks.  I think he must be feeling guilty since he's not going to be here. I told him that he was going to have to tell the kids this weekend (we're going to St. Louis for Memorial Day) that there wasn't going to be "Bingo with Uncle Butch" this year! They love that. And, truth be told, so does he!!
He's such a good sport. It makes me happy that he even thought of this basketball thing for them. 

I think there's going to be a competition happening. For sure.

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea that you could buy pre wound bobbins! Just make sure that the thread they are wound with is the same fibre and thickness as the spool you are using or it may affect the tension of your stitches.


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