Wednesday, May 1, 2024

What I Buy Wednesday

This week I'm starting with something Butch bought. Now, if you think I can be obsessive about things, just know that he has his "things" too. 

One of his is the cars. He has always insisted on a perfectly clean and junk-free car from the very beginning--since his very first car. It didn't matter what the car cost. He keeps all of our cars perfectly maintained---and that means cleaning them too. Usually, he does them himself. But yesterday, he said he was taking my car to the carwash. I kinda thought that was strange, but, heck, I wasn't going to say anything. I'm happy for him to do anything with my car. After all, he keeps it filled with gas too. Have I ever mentioned that I am spoiled? Well, I am. Okay, in full transparency here, he likes to get our gas at Sam's. I, on the other hand---am not driving all the way to Cool Springs to get it. So, as a result, he took over "gas getting" years ago. I'm fine with it. Actually more than fine---downright happy about it.

Today, when he got back from the carwash, he said, "By the way, I bought the unlimited carwash pass for the month." I'm thinking, "What?" He went on to say that it's only $30.00--using it twice pays for itself. He also said that he'd take it in for me. OKAY! Now that's a deal I can't pass up! I asked if he bought one for his car. He didn't. Just goes to show I'm special! Actually, I'm joking. But, I'm really happy he's giving himself this break. The man works continuously! My Jeep, is hard to clean. You can't reach the top easily. 

So as much as he likes a clean car, so do I. 

Now on to what I bought when we were on Windmills and Tulips trip.
Holland is known for their cheese. After touring all of the windmills, there were some tents set up outside the gift shop. I tried the samples of the cheese and then bought 6 packages. Some are for gifts. Butch picked up the Amsterdam Starbucks mug for my collection. The Belgian lace ornament is from Brugge's. When we got home, I cut the red felt so that it will show up better on my Christmas tree. The tiny, wooden clogs keychain was our gift from Gate 1. I plan to use that on our Christmas tree too. And then, I just had to have this porcelain flower tray. It's so pretty and colorful. I thought I'd put it in one of the guest rooms, but then put it on the buffet in the kitchen. It looks great there, so that's where it will stay. Lastly, I (and Stephanie) bought a ton of tulip bulbs from garden we visited. They will send them to us when it's time to plant them. I got 350---Steph is somewhere close to that too. That's a lot of planting. We won't be doing that. Sara, our garden girl will take care of that for us. I bought her some bulbs too as a surprise.

While we were on our cruise, Sandy and Greg were in London celebrating their 30th anniversary. She just had to buy herself this Kurt Geiger purse! He's my favorite London designer. 
I'm sure she'll be able to fit ALL of her "must haves" in her purse!! What a riot! Now I've added the KG store to my list for the next time I'm in London. 

Seriously, here's what she bought. 
She got shoes AND a purse! I love the happy colors that will go with everything! I can't wait to see them in person in a couple weeks.

Well, that's it for this week!!

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