Thursday, May 30, 2024

Colonna Club

The Colonna Club is a Catholic women's book club started in 1923. I joined in 2022 and quickly realized it wasn't quite what I thought it was.  I don't know what I expected. It's a very large group with hundreds of members. Obviously, you cannot have a book discussion with that many people. They have a meeting once a month at Hillwood Country Club. It was fun from a social aspect as I know many people there and many I hadn't seen in years---since my volunteer days at Overbook and St. Cecelia Academy. Instead of a discussion, they have one person who basically reviews the book of the month. Occasionally, they are able to get the author to come and talk about the book. 

Rules dictate that you are only allowed to miss two meetings year. Well, with our travel schedule, that didn't work for me. So I pretty much dropped out after about 6 months. But, I do still read most of the books. I'm still on their list and get all the mailings. I've enjoyed most of the books--they are not all religion based, but more related to social problems. Most have been very good/interesting. 

My friend, Madelyn who is in my regular book club is also a member of Colonna Club. We joined at the same time. So, she invited me to the 100th anniversary celebration--a tea. Now that was really fun. I saw a lot of old friends I hadn't seen in at least 20 years.
From left: Carolyn--she started the first Forensics program in Nashville in the 1980's (public speaking--not to be confused with dead bodies). I worked with her as a troubleshooter with the meets. In pink is Madelyn. We've been friends since she moved to Nashville around 1990. Nancy is one of who I consider my "daily" friends--meaning I see her several times a week. She was the very first person I met when we moved to Nashville in 1985. Both Madelyn and Nancy have daughters Mindy's age. They are both in my regular book club. Note the balloon banner--Nancy and her daughter (mostly her daughter) made it. Leigh is an expert with balloons!

Now, the day was fun, but the tea was pretty lame. Remember, I am an admitted "tea snob." I sort of knew going in that Hillwood did not know how to do a proper tea when we were encouraged to bring our own tea cup! It wasn't exactly tea food either. We had a salad to start. Then they passed plates of mini sandwiches and sweets. There were no scones on our table, although I did see them on others--no clotted cream either. Scones are my favorite part of tea. 

I will say, the table decor was fabulous. 
I love the tea and book theme.
I use books all the time in my tablescapes.  Oh, and notice that white pitcher? That's the hot water for the teabag (what??) that was in my cup. Yes, a teabag!!

I know it's not about all of that. It's about fellowship and being together. So, that's why I'm giving it a pass. Basically it was snack with tea--not quite a proper tea. That's okay, I have enough of my own tea parties. Mostly because we do not have a single place in Nashville that does tea. Around the holidays, some of the hotels will host them. That's why I love England so much. There are hundreds and hundreds of tearooms. No lie!

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear. Hot water in a jug, tea bags and no scones? I can understand your pain ;-)


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