Thursday, May 16, 2024

Ten Things Thursday

How about some beautiful entries today?
1. I love this pot of flowers at the foot of the stairs. I don't think I've ever seen a flowering plant that looks like this continuously inside.
2. I would totally paint an old buffet. Okay, not me specifically--but someone. I read somewhere years ago, that to freshen any piece of old furniture--just paint it black or white. Of course, I always choose white. I do like all of the blue also! Love the rounded doors.
3. This looks like a perfect solution for a very long entry.
4. Although I would not choose this time for myself, I think it looks great! Also, I've always wanted carpet up the stairs--preferably with those carpet rails. But, at this late date, I think they might be slippery. 
5. Love the gold on the front door. Those rounded interior doors are probably closets. That looks great.
6. I'm not sure I love this shade of blue on the wall, but I do love the wainscoting up the stairs.
7. My favorite thing about this entry is that shiny floor! I love, love, love shiny floors--or shiny anything! And those flowers..
8. What a gorgeous view when you walk in the front door. I love that staircase. And the flowers are spectacular. I can't imagine what they cost!
9. Love the tile and even the striking black doors, handrail and spindles--especially against the pure white.
10. Another piece of old furniture painted white. I really like all of the old mirrors stacked on top. I like unusual things. 

Okay, so which is your favorite? I had mine narrowed down to a few. But ultimately, I'm going with #7. Shine wins out every time!!

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