Friday, May 3, 2024

Friday Frustrations and Friday Funnies!

Have I ever mentioned how I hate grocery shopping? Well, it's not the actual shopping that I hate. It's the parking lot. OMGosh! It's crazy! So many cars and people walking with or without carts. And NO ONE is watching where they are going! On Wednesday, I was backing out and people with carts coming in both directions completely ignored me! When I started, they did not show up on my back-up camera. They just didn't care! Thank goodness for the camera! Otherwise I wouldn't have seen them. They just kept coming! Add to that, with the size of these huge trucks and SUV's, you can only rely on that camera as you can't see anything! Then there are the cars that are backing out and not paying attention to the many cars still moving in the lanes. It was stressful! That's why I usually go early when there's not as much traffic. All this was happening at 9:30---that must be a very popular time to grocery shop. I'll avoid that time from now on.

Okay, enough complaining and on to the funnies.

Got my bulbs planted!

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