Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Travel Tuesday

On Saturday, I went down to Atlanta for Elizabeth's graduation from The Paul Mitchell School. It's a kind of graduation I can get on board with---15-20 minutes!! Yay! Really, that's all it take to congratulate someone!!

It starts with everyone in the school lining up on both sides. 
This particular guy is one of Elizabeth's teachers--he might even run the place. He made a little speech of her accomplishments and congratulated her. 

Then, they call it "clapping her out!!" 
She starts down the long gauntlet as people congratulate her and toss confetti. 
I made the comment that it's kinda hard to clap with your hands full of confetti and those confetti sticks! There was a lot of "whoop and hollering" as everyone cheered her on. 

Here's her teacher "upclose." He's a wild guy! His platforms are about 3 inches tall.
Her boyfriend, Graham was there with a huge bouquet.
My job was to hold the balloons! One of her friends made the sign. She got several bouquets--later I arranged them for her. 

Here's a sample of her work. A few days before, she did Sandy's hair.

She is particularly good with color. She's very excited to get started. She starts her first job at an upscale salon on Tuesday. It's been a long 10 months with very few days off. She worked hard and logged many, many hours--over 1500! She already has a few clients that plan to follow her to the salon. She can't wait!!

We had dinner at The Melting Pot and then went home for gifts and cake. When we got there, this was on the front porch.
Her cousin, Morgan sent some Crumbl' cookies.
It just dawned on me that she didn't share them with us! Honestly, with the cake, we didn't need them, so she can enjoy them on her own. They freeze well too!

I have to add this---I've posted something similar several years ago. This is Titan's apartment. 
It's really so darn cute. From the left, going clockwise you can see his "living room" with his basket of toys, his bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. His portrait is hanging too.
He has his own scented candle which Sandy had lit. I don't know about the books, and I've never seen him use coasters, but it's all pretty darn cute!

It was a quick visit, but very fun. I can honestly say, this is one graduation I really enjoyed! It helps that Elizabeth is living her best life! I hope it stays that way! We love you, girlie!!

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