Wednesday, May 15, 2024

What I Buy Wednesday and What I Didn't Buy

Okay, let's start with what I bought this week.
J. Crew--near my house--had up to 60% off the entire store. I cannot pass up a good sale. I already bought two of the shirts on the right--a pink one and a white one (yes, I got another white because, well, you can never have too many white tops!). This is my first time for the lightweight sweaters. They are nice and soft.

This is also something I inadvertently bought! Morgan's 28th--I can't believe it, but it's true--birthday was on the 10th. I texted her to wish her a happy birthday and then Venmoed her birthday money. 
She responded back to me in less than 5 minutes with this picture of what she bought! They were in Columbia for a wedding. Columbia is responsible for 70% of the world's emeralds. I responded with, "Wow, you are the fastest money spender I know!" I'm sure she anticipated her gift from us. We've been giving them money for their birthday for several years now. 

Now on to what I didn't buy! Butch did the buying this time!! Here's the story:
Did you know that your car has something called an "in cabin air filter?" I never heard of that, but when Butch said he changed his and showed me the old one,

I couldn't believe it. I also couldn't believe that he let it go so long. That's sooo not like him. He's on top of all things auto. He went on to tell me that they aren't exactly easy to change. It involves removing some glove compartment parts as the filter is behind it. His was easier than mine. 
Mine is definitely dirty, but not as bad as his was.

This is what they are supposed to look like:
They are not expensive--$10-$15. He's added it to his auto maintenance on his calendar. He'll do that once a year or so. His monthly maintenance on his car (which is on his calendar for the 15th of the month) includes: vacuuming the vents on the outside of the car between the hood and the base of the windshield, checking the tire pressure, windshield washer fluid--as he says, the normal things that keeps your car running well.

He also does his home maintenance on the 15th of the month: he checks the air filters in the house and the filter in the dishwasher. I didn't even know the dishwasher had a filter. He checks and changes ALL lightbulbs in the house too.

Yesterday, he spent two hours cleaning out the dryer from the inside to out and then back again. He bought a dryer vent cleaning kit, pulled out the dryer, vacuumed, cleaned off the back and washed the floor, then went outside and cleaned up out there too. Add that to all of the power washing he's been doing on the patio, front porch, all patio and pool furniture, plus painting all the pool furniture---he's been a busy boy! Say that fast three times! Ha! You tried it didn't you? I did. 

He's always doing something. I, on the other hand, don't have any lists for regular maintenance. I just do things when I think about it. None of what I do is really crucial. It's more like putting clean clothes away, wiping out the refrigerator, adding water to plants and straightening the pantry. I work more on an "as need" basis. 

He's the ying to my yang! (Okay I have never used this term in my life. I don't even really know what a ying and a yang is. It just sounded like I'm using it in the right context).

1 comment:

  1. Butch is so organised! I have to admit that I use your system, I do things when I notice they need doing.


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