Sunday, May 26, 2024

Something for Sunday

On Wednesday night, we went downtown to the Nashville Public Library for a presentation by Michael McDonald and Paul Reiser in celebration of their new book. They were very entertaining. We are all going to read the book and have a discussion sometime in the pool.
Michael grew up in Ferguson, MO--a suburb of St. Louis and very near where I grew up. 
Speaking of St. Louis, Butch, me, Mindy and Justin just spent the weekend there. 
My cousin and I went to Target. I couldn't believe that they now sell Tupperware! I guess the home parties are a thing of the past.
We had lunch at Freddy's. Justin is always such a good sport! 

Mindy and I were in charge of the dessert for our family barbecue of 35 people. We did a cookie and candy charcuterie board! It was a big hit with the kids.

Family pictures coming on Tuesday.

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