Sunday, April 23, 2023

Something for Sunday

The things I do to entertain myself.  

Every now and then, I do things that make me laugh. I can laugh at myself better than anybody! 

One thing I used to do when Mindy, Jordan, or Morgan was riding with me was to turn on the "heat seat" in the summertime. It made me laugh to see them squirming and being so hot! I don't think they thought it was so funny. Sandy and Stephanie never had to endure such foolishness as there was no such thing as "heat seats" when they were little.

Another thing I did when the girls were little was to put fake food in their lunch--like wooden olives or a fake piece of cheese. The fake food was part of some toy set we had. Stephanie in particular, would come home all indignant about it. Secretly, I think she thought it was funny too! I'm pretty sure all the girls liked the cute napkins and notes I tucked inside.

When Mindy was a teenager, she wore thongs. Not on her feet, mind you. You know, those things that were supposed to be like underwear but weren't? Apparently, she bought them herself as I would have balked at paying for a bit of string. When they came through the wash, it was hard to figure out how to fold them. Instead, I wadded them up into a little ball and put them on her clean clothes pile just like that. Little lumps of floss! I'm laughing right now just thinking about it!

I played a little prank on Stephanie and Nicky last summer when they were at the beach. I can control the thermostat from my phone, so I turned up the heat. They would turn it down and I'd turn it back up. I guess you could call that long-distance humor! I don't think they laughed. Well, maybe Nicky--he likes me!

This one might have me laughing the most---but only if it works!!

So, I was folding laundry earlier in the week. Before I realized it, I had paired two socks that didn't really match--accidentally. When I came across a third one, that's when I noticed.

You can barely tell them apart. One has green dots and the other has red.
This is how I noticed my mistake. 

Anyway, I decided to leave them as mismatched pairs. I want to see if Butch notices. It makes me chuckle to think about it. If he weren't retired, I probably wouldn't have done it. I wouldn't want to embarrass him in a business setting. Since he reads my blog, unless the mismatch has already happened, it surely won't now!! Still, it makes me laugh. I'm pretty sure he married me for my humor!! The girls, on the other hand, inherited me! 

Oh, and one last thing. When Jordan and Morgan were like this:
I pulled the best "grammy" prank ever. 

One day, when Butch was cleaning my car, he found a little butterfly hair clip. He absentmindedly clipped it to a bush on the side of the driveway. One of the girls saw it and said, "Grammy, look!" I quickly quipped, "Yes, that's my butterfly bush!" (Chuckling to myself at my play on "butterfly bush." To which Jordan said, "No grammy, it's a "hair clip" bush!" 

After that, I started moving that clip around the bush. the girls were surprised that it was moving. That's when I got the idea to go to the dollar store and buy a whole pack of butterfly clips. I added a few each day until the bush was full. I kept moving them around. They started "picking" them and I would put them back. 

I don't remember how long that went on, but it was pretty much fun at the time. Hmmm, I need to remember to ask them if they remember the "hair clip" bush!

I do certainly entertain myself. I always say I have fun everywhere I go!


  1. What a lovely story about the butterfly clips - you sound like you are a fun person to be around!
    My son deliberately wore odd socks when he was a teenager. Drove me mad. But I guess if that was his way of rebelling it was a pretty minor thing! I stopped pairing up socks in the end, it really wasn't worth wasting my time.

  2. You do have a playful mischievous streak, don't you.


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