Sunday, April 9, 2023

Something for Easter Sunday

First of all, Happy Easter! 

Since we're still at the beach, we started our day with 7 a.m. Mass at St. Rita's. We're not really doing anything special for the day. We'll probably go to the beach--the weather is so nice and perfect. Not too hot. We're having a great time. We haven't been here since November. When we are here, it really feels like a vacation--no obligations, nothing we have to do--just whatever we want. I definitely have time to keep up with my posts!

Update: We ended up leaving this morning because I lost a crown last night. I want to get into the dentist asap and not have to wait until Tuesday. Fingers crossed it doesn't start hurting!

A couple weeks ago, we saw this in Nashville. It is so good. This was my second time. Butch and I saw it in NYC in 2021. If you get a chance, go see it! Or I should say, experience it!

Spring has sprung! Every year, I enjoy this cherry tree in bloom. The only problem is that it blooms just for a few days. If you blink, you'll miss it!

3. I found myself behind this car recently.
OMGosh! This mess causes me to have heart palpitations. So much crap! And what's up with all of those bungee cords? Maybe they are holding the bumper on. Actually, as I look closer, it seems that they are keeping the trunk closed. If all that junk is an indicator, then I'd say there's more junk in the trunk which is keeping it from closing!

4. Stephanie served these fun, non-alcoholic cocktails last Friday when we had our little family book club meeting at her house.

They tasted like cotton candy. They are so cute with the Peeps hanging on the side
and the rims dipped in little candy sprinkles. 

5. Last week, my sister, Jeanne was telling me about her grandson, Travis who has learned to sew in the 5th grade. I asked for pictures. 
She says that he is obsessed and has become a stitching fool!
This makes me so happy that the schools are teaching kids--regardless of gender, some basic life skills.
His next project is a cat. Then she sent me these pictures from several years ago when Travis was here for Camp Aunt Barb.
He took an interest in my needlepoint, so I let him stitch!

I'm thinking about surprising him with a project! Actually, I think I'll make it a "Camp Aunt Barb" activity this year! You can never start too young!


  1. Hope you managed to get back to the dentist before you needed painkillers, what a shame to have to cut short your trip. The photo of that car is crazy - how on earth can they see out of the back window?!

  2. I didn't know losing a crown was possible. I hope you got it replaced promptly.


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