Thursday, November 3, 2022

Five Things Thursday

I hope these make your heart go "awww!"

1. This girl brought a cardboard cutout of Danny DeVito as her prom date.
He got wind of it and brought a cutout of her to his set! How sweet is that?

2. Okay, this would totally be me. I would be bringing up the rear and chat up the second to last so we could cross together. 
That way, I wouldn't have to face the humiliation of being dead last! 

3. I loved Leslie Jordan from the first time I saw him on Will and Grace.
I believe this with every fiber of my being! I'm basically really happy--not that I don't have those low riding "blue" clouds.

4. I forgot to share this on Halloween!
In my opinion, this is the greatest costume OF ALL TIME!! I love it so much. Too bad I don't have any littles to dress up like this. Well, then I'd have to get the dogs too. Never mind!

What a fabulous idea!

Plus, while these boys are learning manners and how to act like a man, they are not on the streets joining gangs! This these teachers deserve some sort of recognition!

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