Thinking: About how busy this fall is. Between now and Thanksgiving, I'm only going to be home for 2 weekends---and one of them, I've signed up for a 3 day needlepoint workshop! I leave today to scrapbook at Kentucky Lake with my sisters, Jeanne and Janet. Next week, I'll leave for Sandy's on Wednesday to stay with the girls while Sandy, Greg, Stephanie and Mindy meet in Savannah, Georgia for a long weekend. The next weekend Butch and I go to Baltimore with the EOHSJ. That takes us to November. 1st weekend is my workshop. The second weekend, Sandy, Stephanie, Mindy and I are going to Washington, D.C. to see the debut of Mean Girls before it hits Broadway! We have a pretty full weekend planned, including a Segway tour---the best way to see a city---fun and educational. The upcoming weeks are busy, but fun.
Thankful for: My friends. I had them over for a Halloween luncheon yesterday. I started with "Bloody" Mary's. I served my Grandpa's Soup (a minestrone type) along with Italian cheese bread. For dessert, I made my most favorite cake in all the world. That's quite a statement since I am a cake person. I love cake---not bakery cakes or restaurant cakes. I don't even like wedding cakes unless they are by Dessert Designs. Their cakes are home made with secret recipes. When I say I love cakes, they need to be home made cakes. Haven't really met one I didn't like! Well, unless you put raisins in it.

From the left, then clockwise: Diane, Karolyn, Susan, Pam, Joanie, me, Linda, Nancy, Nancy and Connie. I'm a two hour party person. We started at 11:30. At 1:30, I said, "okay, the party's over. You're getting in to my nap time!" I've been doing that for years. Plus, I take away that problem with people not wanting to be the first to leave and feeling like they broke up the party. My friends are okay with it!
Cooking: That cake. My. MOST. Favorite. Sharing it here:
Oatmeal Cake
Pour 1 1/4 cups boiling water over 1 cup of oatmeal and 1/2 cup butter. Cover with towel and let stand for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Sift together:
1 1/3 cups flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking soda
Add to flour:
1 cup white sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 beaten eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. ground nutmeg
Mix and bake in a prepared 9x13 pan at 350 for 35 minutes.
Topping (the best! Use it on other cakes too--German Chocolate, spice or carrot)
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup butter
1 beaten egg yolk
3/4 cup heavy cream
Bring to a boil on top of the stove---stirring constantly. Boil for 5 minutes while stirring. Remove from heat and stir in 1 cup coconut and 1/2 cup pecans. Cool. Spread on cooled cake.
The BEST, I tell you! the BEST! I only make it about once a year and only for company. I can't be trusted to have this cake around. It's perfect this time because I'm taking the leftovers with me to Kentucky Lake.
Wearing: Still in my robe this morning, but I'm really enjoying the clothes I'm getting from Stitch Fix. Even the girls remarked on how stylish I am this past weekend. I've always tried to remain stylish, but haven't bought any new clothes for a couple of years now. What I like the very best about Stitch Fix? The pants actually FIT me. Being so short has always posed a problem in the length.
Hoping: To get some Christmas shopping done while I'm at Sandy's. I especially need to buy the gifts that need to stay there anyway. My first stop will be Hobby Lobby for their wonderful wrapping paper. It's thick. There's a lot on the roll. And it's cheap!
Taking: Stock of what needs to be done around here. The painters and carpenters are lined up for the outside. We're getting ready to start on the kitchen in January. Looking forward to getting everything done!
Planning: My new kitchen! My friends and I had this discussion again yesterday. The thought of moving is daunting. But it will only get harder the longer we wait. I said I never thought I'd be in this position of being so indecisive about it. But the issue remains---where to go? We love our location and nothing quite measures up--unless it's another old house. Rather than that, we'll just deal with our "old house" problems. I'd love a new house, but we haven't been able to find one that meets our specifications. I'm picky. Plus, I don't think we're quite ready to give up the pool.
Working: Well, I've cleaned out my kitchen cabinets and drawers 3 times! Not a fun job. Just when we think we've gotten the two mice causing the problem, I heard mice in the wall. Butch has set traps in the attic. Our exterminator has put the poisonous bait in the garage. Makes me think we might need to get another outside cat. I'm just not ready for that. We travel too much.
Reading: Just started The Identicals. I can't tell yet whether I like it or not.
Loving: That we're on the third generation for this rug!
I had this rug made about 22 years ago. When I was tired of it, Mindy had it in her first condo for about 6 years. It still looks great. Now it's in Jordan's apartment.
It's still in perfect condition. But I'm pretty sure this will be the last go round with it. Besides her dog and cat, there's no pad under it. I'm sure it will finally get worn out.
Needing: To continue cleaning out this house. Who am I kidding? Butch and I were going to start last January and go room by room---cleaning out closets and getting rid of stuff. All we actually did was haul off a few boxes of books. We really do need to get on that.
Watching: Enjoying the new tv shows. So far, I've watched The Good Doctor with one of my favorite actors--Freddie Highmore. He was so incredible playing the young, Norman Bates in Bates Motel. If you haven't seen that, you need to. Catch it on Netflix. Liking the new Will and Grace and Wisdom of the Crowd. I'm also enjoying Kevin Can Wait since Leah Ramini has been added to the cast. Basically, it's King of Queens all over again!
Creating: My Halloween tablescapes. I love doing them.
The "kids" have already laid claim to the needlepoint "candy corn."
Bumming: That a couple of my friends have gone back to work. I can't seem to shake this cloud hanging over me.
Appreciating: Butch. He does so much around here. I try to be aware and thankful.
Dreading: That Christmas is soon upon us. Don't get me wrong. I love Christmas, but I don't love the decorating any more. While I'm putting it all up, I'm already dreading the "take down!" Seriously thinking about eliminating the tree in the living room this year.
Well, I guess that's about all that's happening around here.