Saturday, October 30, 2010
Luggage Lessons
This and That

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
AYM-A Year of Memories-October
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Halloween is Just Around the Corner
Sandy sent me this picture. Here's what she had to say about it:
Monday, October 25, 2010
What Does a Hypochondriac Look Like?

Saturday, October 16, 2010
Where Does the Time Go?
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Home Sweet Home
Saturday, October 9, 2010
A Year of Memories---August

Due to everything that has been going on, our September meeting was postponed until October. I ended up being too sick to go, but here are the layouts. The theme this month was "success"---documenting any successful moments in our lives. I used the vintage peach label for my color scheme. I love to incorporate old stuff with new.
Then came the real jobs. I got every job I ever applied for. I made solicitation phone calls for a State Farm Agent then worked at Bid Daddy’s Malt Shop where I became the night-time manager along with a pay increase to $1.00 an hour. My best friend and I landed a job soliciting for Charles Chips during the summer of 1968. They gave 2 sixteen year old girls a 1963 Chevy as a company car! I hit the big time with my job at Target when I was promoted to head cashier for $1.75 an hour. To keep that job, I had to be able to check out 60 customers in the express lane in an hour.
In high school, I was on the student council and chaired the Sophomore Dance. I was Secretary of the Junior class. I lobbied for and won---knee socks to wear with our plaid skirts.
Upon high school graduation, I worked at the Cardinal Ritter Institute---a home health care company. I worked there full time and went to business school part time to become a court reporter. After a year, I could take dictation at the speed of 125 words a minute. I sold newspaper subscriptions for the St. Louis Globe Democrat (only lasted 3 weeks until the boss “hit” on me and Butch made me quit). I became the restaurant manager for W.T. Grants Bradford House Restaurant after waitressing there for 2 years.
After the paying “gigs”, I stayed home, had kids and started volunteering almost on a full time basis. I liked volunteering because it could be on my terms and hours. An added bonus was the girls loved seeing me at school nearly everyday. At St. Therese in Kansas City, besides being the president of the PTA, I was in charge of the health room and became the head-lice expert and single-handedly examined every kid in the school.
I have been president of nearly every organization I’ve worked for. Of course, this is no great honor---this had more to do with who they could get to do the work. I’ve chaired more fund raising events than I can remember (see list). In 1994, I was one of 2 women in Nashville honored with the Volunteer of the Year Award from the National Association of Fund Raising Executives. It was a pretty big deal with a luncheon in the Maxwell House Hotel ballroom. Butch even changed an out-of-town trip to be there. This award came as a big surprise to me as I didn’t even know that the Dominican sisters had nominated me.
I’m good at what I do. I started my organizing business in 1990. When I got tired of cleaning out closets, I limited my business to craft rooms. I’m still enjoying that. It’s nice to know that if I ever need to work for the money, I have a marketable skill.
I like to think I’m a good teacher---even though I’ve had no formal training. I’ve taught people about organizing, scrapbooking, stitching, knitting, crocheting, gardening and driving. I’m on to the next generation with that.
I’ve won a lot of contests through the years starting with the Limbo in the 3rd grade---how low can YOU go?---lucky I was short. I won a hula hoop contest and a twist contest in the 7th grade. Our softball team---for whom I played 3rd base---won 7 consecutive city/county championships. I was voted “honor camper” two years in a row by my camp counselors.
I earned my Master Gardener certification from the University of Tennessee Extension Service in 1995. Since then, I have designed and planted gardens for family and friends.
I’ve won several scrapbook contests at retreats (3) and on-line (1). I even won a family contest for “best hair” in a prom photo. And even though it’s not exactly a contest, they voted me as having the “best nose” in the family. That from a family that doesn’t give compliments much is a pretty significant achievement.
The best thing I’ve ever “won” would have to be my husband. 39 years and we’re still going strong.
When it comes to success, this quote sums it up for me: “Real success is about fully enjoying every moment.” Shapiro I did and I still do!