Thursday, October 17, 2024

Ten Things Thursday

Well, it's still fall for a few more weeks. I have not been able to resist these beautiful pictures and thus, will continue to share! 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

What I Didn't Buy Wednesday!

You might recall this fun game that Diane and Gren gave us a few weeks ago. If you missed it, you can find that post here. We had invited Mindy and Justin to come for dinner and the game. Only 4 can play. 

You might also recall that Butch was NOT a "happy chappy" when we played with Diane and Gren!
This time he was! Winning does that for him!

Another thing we didn't buy this week was these cookies. 
Mindy and Justin brought them for dessert. They were delicious! I love cookies!!

While we're talking Saturday night, I wanted to share my Halloween table. It's the only thing I've done for Halloween this year. Or last year for that matter. I'm going to give all of my Halloween decor away. Although I love it, it's just too much work. 

When the whole family is here for Christmas, I will get out the boxes and let them go through it all. I have some really good stuff! 

Considering our kids don't want our stuff, we'll see how much they take!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Tuesday Thoughts About...


I'm about at the end of my rope with airports and airplanes. I just told Butch that recently--"I'm about done with airports and airplanes." 

Let's start with those airports.

I can't even say that I've had any issues on my recent trips. That doesn't make me feel better. It's just a matter of time. It's the airports themselves. I'm sick of the overcrowded-ness of them. There are lines everywhere. I don't like crowds. The older I get, the worse that gets. I just do not like crowds. Heck, I don't even like to see one person when I'm out walking in my neighborhood. I want to be totally alone!

I'm sick of how people dress. Since when is it okay to wear your pajamas at the airport and on planes? I understand little kids, but adults? Many dress so slovenly--it makes me sick. I get--wanting to be comfortable, but I think people have taken that to extremes. And what's up with all those slippers? Yuck! I cannot imagine wearing my slippers in the airport. I've shared how dirty my suitcase wheels are. Why would anyone want to wear slippers and then wear them at home? That's just wrong. 

Oh, and don't get me started on the dogs! I'm still not over the "pile" I dodged at the Charlotte airport!

So now--about the actual planes themselves. I'm sick of everything about them. They are cold--freezing. They are over-crowded--most of the time. The seats are not comfortable. Okay, I'll admit, that could be just me. My feet don't rest comfortably on the floor--which means I have to keep adjusting my legs to keep them from falling asleep. It's really annoying. The snacks are crappy. It's just never a good experience.

Okay, I'm done venting. I'm just dreading the fact that I have 3 trips in the next 5 weeks. I am not looking forward to the whole airport situation. At. All. And I'm already dreading all of them. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Me on Monday

You probably have heard me say how I don't baby anything. I've specifically said that regarding shoes. I've always washed them in the washing machine.  Well, I have these blue and whit striped, pointy toed shoes that I just love. I've had them for about 3 years now. I wore them a couple weeks ago and walked in something that made them dirty on the sides. I wasn't very happy about that. I considered them ruined. So, I figured I had nothing to lose by washing them. 
You can't really see the dirt in this picture, but I had already sprayed them and put them in the washer. I added a Tide pod and ran it on a normal wash. I had no idea if they would fall apart. They were some sort of material. 

Well, look at them now!
They came out perfect! They didn't fall apart--which I thought might happen. Maybe a little wrinkly on top, but once I put my feet in them, the wrinkles were stretched out. Looks like I'll get a few more years out of them! Yay!!

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Something for Sunday

1. I love that Morgan sends me pictures of her holiday decorating.
Her porch looks so good! 

She also sent me a couple photos of her dining room.

Doesn't her table look great? Notice the cat on the right? Well, that's a needlepoint piece I made a few years ago. She gave me a "shout-out" on Facebook saying that it was one of her most prized possessions! That makes me happy!

2. Speaking of Morgan, she sent me this:
She's starting a bookclub!! This girl is a real "go-getter"! She's exactly like me in so many ways (maybe not all good)!! Anyway, I told her that I would love to join--long distance. I'm excited to see what 20-somethings are reading. I'll read the books and send her my remarks! My book club has just two generations--Steph is the only one representing the younger one. Morgan's bookclub will have skipped a generation and have the perspective of a really old lady! I can't wait!

3. Mindy has starting doing some substitute teaching. 
This was her first day of school! I love her lunchbox!
She decided to wear flats not knowing how much standing she would have to do. There was an exciting incident which reminded her of "A Christmas Story." A boy (not in the class she was subbing for) got his leg stuck in the playground equipment and the fire department had to come. She said it took about an hour for 4 firemen to get him out. Needless to say, she enjoyed her first day!

4. Last Sunday, the girls and I, along with longtime family friend, Amanda (Connie's daughter) went to The City Winery for brunch and a show.
It was billed as "Mama Mia." So, I thought we were seeing that show. Instead, we saw the "Neon Queens"--a couple of gals singing ABBA songs. It wasn't very good, but we made the best of it and had a great time.

5. Justin got a new t-shirt--Amy Winehouse. Mindy sent me pictures of the label. Now this poses a question: Who needs to read the care label of a t-shirt?
Maybe it was an expensive t-shirt. Anyway, he turned it over and found this:
That is so hilarious!! It's obvious that this t-shirt was made in England!

I hope you are having a Sunday fun day! I am! 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Scrapbook Saturday

Today, I'm sharing Jeanne's layouts from our scrapbook retreat last weekend. 

I offered to do a couple of Jeanne's layouts since I didn't bring enough. I did the one above and the one below. I am obsessed with the Cricut now.