Sunday, October 21, 2018

Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith!

And for me, that leap of faith is usually food related! I do consider myself an adventuresome eater. I'm usually willing to try unusual things unless it contains A. Liver (absolutely NOT---for sure---I'll barf!) or B. Raisins (that's a "no go" for me---unless they are in bread pudding, then I'll pick them out!)

Here's the story.

Mindy took a day off on Friday. She invited me to meet her for lunch. I, in turn, invited Butch to join us. We were going to a new restaurant in Green Hills called True Food. You can check the eclectic menu here. I usually don't check menus online because I like to be surprised. Butch checked it out and made a hard pass!

The place is fresh and modern like most new restaurants in Nashville are at the moment. There was a 20 minute wait, so we opted to sit at the bar. Mindy got the spaghetti squash casserole. That sounded really good (and was), but I decided on the "seasonal ingredient salad."

The description:
Brussels sprouts, quinoa, roasted butternut squash, goat cheese, pomegranate, toasted mulberry, horseradish vinaigrette

Guess which item in the description "sealed the deal?" 

If you guessed the horseradish vinaigrette---you'd be a winner! (Sorry, not the 1.5 billion mega millions--just bragging rights that you really know me!)

Yep, horseradish vinaigrette! I really like horseradish---especially creamy with steak, prime rib or sandwich. I have never had it as a salad dressing, but pair it with vinaigrette and you had me at "hello!" I love ANY vinaigrettes---raspberry, balsamic (my favorite), lemon, blue cheese---really, ANY viniagrette! The rest of the ingredients seemed a little weird, but I decided to go for it.

Oh. My. Gosh. It was DELISH!!
This is what I brought home. I thought there were sesame seeds in it too. I have no idea how sesame seeds are grown, but if you look closely, it looks like little stalks with stems. At least that's what I thought those were. But now, after looking at the description of the salad again, they must be mulberries. I thought I knew what mulberries were--a sweet/tart berry that grow on a mulberry bush. I suppose these are dried. 

Of course, the nerd in me had to know for sure! I want to know everything---even if I only remember it for 5 minutes!
Whatever. They were good! You can see the little stems I was talking about.

The salad was so big that I decided to take half home. Since the greens are Brussels sprouts and not lettuce, I thought it might hold up just fine. We'll see as I plan to have it for lunch. And the dressing? Let's just say it was "horsera-delicious!"

You know, if I hadn't been willing to take a leap of faith, I would never have discovered this salad or the unusual ingredients for that matter. I'm glad I did!

When was the last time you took a leap of faith?

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