Wednesday, September 2, 2020

What I Buy Wednesdays

This week, I didn't buy anything. Nada. Nothing. Not a darn thing. 

Well, okay, some food for the weekend since Sandy was in town for our stitching project.

So this post is going to be about saving money rather than spending it.

While the girls were here, Mindy got these out of the refrigerator.
She got the girls laughing about what little leftovers they were and why in the world did we save them? Well, this is why!
It's hard to tell, but those potatoes are the size of grapes---you know, those tiny ones--and about 1/4 cup spinach. 

I decided to make a frittata. My grandmother used to make those all the time. Basically, it's an omelet, but with potatoes. Or at least that's always what I thought the difference was. I decided to look it up. The definition is: an Italian dish made with fried beaten eggs, resembling a Spanish omelet. What? I didn't know omelets were Spanish. I thought they were French. 
Anyway, they were delicious. I added ham and a little Provel cheese. I guess the potatoes had nothing to do with making them a frittata. Still, I definitely made it Italian with that Provel cheese! Or I could just call it what it is--an omelet. On the other hand, I am Italian so there's that.

No sense in wasting any little dabs. You can always make something out of them! And that's how I save money!


  1. I think we are of the generation that learnt how to make something out of nothing! Never throw leftovers away - especially when you can make them into a delicious supper just by adding a few eggs and some cheese!

  2. Great use of leftovers! You're right, omelettes came from France, but a Spanish omelette is deep and made with potatoes and onions and just held together with the egg.


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