Monday, September 21, 2020

Monday Mystery

The mystery here is how this type of "quiz" works. There are so many different ones out there. I get that maybe they make the answers so general that they can apply to almost everyone. But this one really seems sort of specific---and not all that nice. You be the judge---just those of you who really know me, of course!!

So, I had to pick three colors. Now to be fair, that was hard to do. I like a lot of colors. I didn't try to do it again and choose 3 other colors. So this was just my first pick. Pretty interesting.

To be honest, I don't consider myself particularly brave. Like I'll tackle what I have too, but won't necessarily enjoy doing it!

So anyway, how in the heck do they come up with these things? Oh, and yes, I sometimes can be blunt. It's definitely a flaw!!


  1. Goodness knows how these things work - I've never seen this one. Did you have to pick colours you liked or ones you didn't like? Although the word ' blunt' sounds as if it is meant to be negative, the paragraph underneath seems to speak of good qualities, and I'm glad you could find something positive to take from it.

  2. I'm reading posts in reverse order, so I can only wonder if this test can detect your sometimes "tone." 😉 If so, I'm not fearless enough to take it.


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