Saturday, March 14, 2020

Real ID Update

Omgosh! If you think everything happening around the Caronavirus is crazy, it barely compares to the chaos of the DMV!!!

So. Where were we. Oh yeah, I need a new social security card. I got online and found a form to fill out. But then, when it came down to it, that wasn't going to work. I called the local office to ask some questions and was told I'd either have to wait "on hold" for 45 minutes. Or, I could opt for a "call back" in an hour and a half. I checked my schedule and decided on the return call. I was taking lunch to a friend and knew I'd be back by then.

Wouldn't you know it---about 30 minutes later, they called me while I was at my friends! Sooooo, when I got back home, I started the process all over again---opting for the call in an hour and a half.
About an hour later, I got the call. I asked if I could get my card through the mail. "The Gal" said I needed to come in to the office. OMGosh!

The next day, I planned to arrive a half hour before they opened so as not to have to wait so long. Luckily, Butch noticed that due to the Coronavirus, they had things that were closed scrolling at the bottom of the tv screen. The social security office was listed. I would have really been ticked if I'd driven all the way down there in rush hour traffic! Now it's on hold. No telling when I'll get to it.

My sister-in-law, Janet shared her experience with me. In her words (condensed a bit):
I went on Thursday to get a new license- the Real ID. 

So as you, I was trying to locate all needed paper work. I found my original birth cert (which I had replaced years ago) and my ORIGINAL social security card in my maiden name and address where I grew up. I thought with my marriage license I would have it all. I was loaded with everything the web site said I needed (so I thought).  

When I got to the office and signed in, the monitor said I had a 35 minute wait. Not too bad for the DMV where there is always a line. As I sat there, one man was rejected because his utility bills were over 30 days old!*  then a women was kicked back because she was born in IL & needed something due to that fact, I really couldn’t hear the full explanation. A few people later there was another rejection, so I was thinking Im going to get there faster than the 35 minutes. When it was finally my turn I was so glad to lay out all my paper work & the man picked it up & was going yes, yes, then the NO came. My Social card would not fly. I then handed him my marriage license to show my name change. Still a big NO. Then he drew out a paper and told me to go to the Social Security Office (OMG that is 5 times worse than the DMV!@!@!@!@!!@) or bring a W2, 1099 or ssn-1099. I could of screamed I had those tax forms in my hands right before I left for this errand as I was putting together my tax info too. I walked out very sad & upset, I failed the quest.

So Friday I gathered the tax forms and headed out again - earlier this time. But that proved to not be the best time either for the wait was 46 minutes. So there I was sitting again watching people coming, going and being rejected. When the women behind the counter said - 2 proofs of residence could not both be utility bills. WHAT?!?! Thats what I had. So I jumped in my car drove home to grab a handful of bills and stuff and raced back to the office. I reread my rejection sheet from Thursday that I needed a utility bill with a bank statement, or insurance info, or voters registration, which I was able to dig out of my wallet after sitting there for another 15 minutes (this was well over 46 min). I was called and this guy went yes, yes, yes and almost a no because I hadn’t pulled  out my driver's license, but that was on the counter lickety split. Unbelievably he only looked at ONE utility bill. He must have seen my stack of papers and knew I would make him look at them all before I was rejected.

Now I have to wait up to 30 days for the new one to come in. If it doesn’t I have to go back and find out why or what went wrong.  Geeze nothing like being put through the ringer.  Now when (and if) I get the ID I’ll get to deal with my passport.

Here is a rejection I heard last night talking to other Grandparents at Evies BB game.   An 83 year old man was rejected because he had his original 83 year old birth certificate. You need a copy that is no more the 30 years old*. 

Just had to share since we were dealing with the same Goverment stuff on the same day!!
Thanks for that Janet! I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one having problems. 

Then, I talked to my brother, Matt. He had already been once. I can't remember why he was rejected that time. He went back the second time and was rejected again because---and you are not going to believe this---he had LAMINATED his social security card 40 years ago*!!! How dare he!! They told him they have to be able to feel the card. Ridiculous! 

Now that means Butch has to go to the social security office too! He laminated his years ago. I guess we'll make that a "Butch and Barb Day"! Yippee! The social security office! Butch and Barb days are supposed to be adventures. I guess this qualifies.

No wonder the lines are so long at the DMV. It's bad enough that EVERYONE has to go. But then, to have to go back over and over---that's just nuts!

Lessons of the day:
*Your utility bills must not be over 30 days old---that was new to me. Good to know since when I finally get back there, mine will be too old.

*You better make sure you have the appropriate birth certificate. I read that it cannot be a certified copy, but must be the original one. Not the one the hospital gives you. And now, apparently it can't be original if it's over 30 years old. WTF?? What the heck are you supposed to do?

*Be sure you have the original social security card---UN-laminated. Oh, and another thing. Even if I had been able to find mine, it wouldn't have flown. It CANNOT be the stub side of the card.

If you've had any crazy DMV experiences, let me know and I'll share them here!

Oh, and wait until I tell you about my experience renewing the license plate on the '59 Corvette! Ah, but that's another story for another time! 

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