Saturday, December 7, 2019

Mother Daughter Trips

Today as we are celebrating Mindy's birthday with a trip to the Vintage Marketplace and then meeting the guys for lunch, I was reminded of this article I came across.

Our mother/daughter trips are good for our health!

According to research from Harvard Medical School, mother-daughter trips taken once a year can help relieve stress, improve immune responses and decrease the chances of heart disease. Essentially, it shows similar benefits to a full night’s sleep and a healthy diet. 
Researchers add strong relationships and quality time with those people may even help you live longer.

There's no denying our trips are good for our health, but maybe not so good for the pocketbook!!

This year, we're planning New York to see Hugh Jackman in the reprisal of The Music Man. It doesn't even start until September, so we have plenty of time to plan. I do need to start checking for the theater tickets. I'll need to be on top of that for sure!!


  1. I agree, a girl's day out is great! In fact, I think I ought to suggest something similar to my daughter!

  2. I can vouch for Mother/daughter time! Some years ago, my daughter and I took a very special trip halfway across the world with lots of new and some scary experiences! It gave us a renewed appreciation of each other's strengths, and has kept us close - as well as wonderful shared memories. So make sure you plan in plenty of them :).


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