Wednesday, August 28, 2019

What I Buy Wednesday

Well, I didn't really buy anything last week---or at least---not anything that's been delivered. So, instead of a "what I buy" post, I thought I'd bring up a different topic.

Have you heard of "Swedish DEATH Cleaning?"

Neither had I. I read the article and little did I know that I actually have been contemplating doing this already! Basically, it means "clean out and get rid of  all your crap before you die (so your kids don't have to do it--- becasueGodknowsourkidsdon'twantyourstuff---I added that bit mysel! I've been preaching that forever)!

Personally, I'm not getting very far with my own cleaning out. I started in the library and had Butch haul boxes of books to the used book place. Next came the dining room. I have all sorts of pretties that I've collected over the years. I don't know what to do with it. I don't want to wrap it all up. So, I just have a box full. I guess I'll take the box "as is" straight to Goodwill. It's a shame because there's value there---antique Nippon. Still there's nothing to do with it.

I did go through the drawers in the guest room in anticipation of Mitchell's residency. I got rid of all the old, outdated ski clothes. I might as well have not bothered since Mitchell is using the floor to store his stuff! Oh well, it shouldn't be too long. Have I mentioned how much he eats?

Anyway, back to the Swedish Death Cleaning. When you put it like that, it sounds pretty morbid. But the truth is, as you get older, that word isn't so scary! It's just a fact. Not too soon, mind you! After all, I still have a lot to do! Oh, and the article says you are supposed to start at age 65.

Ooops! I've missed it by two years! I better catch up!


  1. I love how Mitchell is storing his things in the 'floordrobe' ;-)
    I hadn't heard decluttering as being Death Cleaning before but I guess it is something to think about. Although I see I have 4 years before I need to start!

  2. You always have something interesting to talk about here on your blog.

    After having to clear an aunt's estate and move my mom-in-law to assisted living in the last few years, hubby and are familiar with the concept, although I like the original word better - döstädning - somehow sounds less ominous. We are definitely in a sustained de-cluttering mode around here, in anticipation of a forthcoming downsizing, without trying to think too much about the hopefully far, far, far off other eventuality. The next generation is far less interested in stuff than we are, although at their age we weren't into our collecting and gathering years yet either.


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