Saturday, August 31, 2019

Serenity on Saturday

Ahhhhh! My channel 2 (ABC) is back!! I can't tell you how happy that makes me. Butch knew it would.

We had happy hour last night---just the two of us. He waited until the very end to say, "I have a surprise for you." I'm like, "What? You mean in addition to this?"
Flowers for no reason are the best!! (Then, when I asked "why" he said, "Well, you know, sometimes Kroger has them on a really good sale!" He's so darn romantic! I'm not complaining, I'll take them anyway they come!)

No, that wasn't it. He turned on the tv. Lo and behold, Wheel of Fortune was on!!!  I was downright giddy and gleeful! Well, part of that could have been the extra dirty martini!! Anyway, I immediately emailed Connie as we were just talking about the fact that we were probably not ever getting channel 2 back---earlier in the day. Then I texted the girls that we were watching Wheel!

All was finally right in the world!!

I've been feeling unsettled since June 19 when channel 2 ceased to transmit. And here all this time I thought it was Mitchell!!

Channel 2 is the only tv that we watch live. We get all of our news from local to national on 2. I/we love Good Morning America. Most of our favorite tv shows are on 2---even though we set them to record so to zip through the commercials.

I stayed up late last night. I missed Jimmy Kimmel so much!! I didn't go to bed until 12:30. I got up this morning at 5:45 because I was so excited to see my morning "peeps." I forgot that it was Saturday and it's the replacement team. That's okay, I like them too. I look forward to Davis Nolan's Saturday fishing report--even though I never realized it! I can't believe there's even something comforting about hearing the commercials I'm used to!

On this Labor Day weekend, I am already feeling serene! I'm so happy! It takes so little!!

Now I'm going to need to stop lallygagging with my channel 2 friends. I've got labor to do! I need to get the Halloween decorations out. Don't really love doing that, but if I can't have it for two months, it's not worth the work!!

I hope y'all have a great long weekend!

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