Why would this time be any different? This morning, our trash compactor finally bit the dust. It's had a good run---twenty years to be exact. But it chose today to die! Sandy and girls arrive tomorrow night with three of my sisters arriving on Friday. They are all coming in for Mindy's shower on Saturday.
I love the trash compactor. When we put in our first one 25 years ago in our old house. I was going to have to give up much valued cabinet space to do it. But, I trusted Connie when she told me that she'd give up her dishwasher before she'd give up her compactor. I totally agree with her. I can't live without it.
I called A1 Appliance---where we buy all of our appliances and where we bought that Kitchenaid compactor twenty years ago. I was a bit shocked to learn what they cost now-a-days. Of course, there's a premium for white too. Most people want stainless. That's not for me---a bit too industrial for my taste. I have and love my white appliances. There's just something so clean and crisp about white.
Luckily, A1 was able to order it today and will deliver and install it on Friday. Definitely money well spent---and if I get another twenty years out of it, the price in insignificant.
On a happier note:
It's been a week and this arrangement from Justin is still going strong! It is so bright and beautiful---and fragrant. I just love it and so will the family!
It does seem like things always happen at the most inopportune times, doesn't it. Hope the shower went well & that you've had a lovely weekend!