Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Boy, Do I Have Stories to Tell!

It was a whirlwind trip to England. I knew that blogging from there would be a challenge as we didn't get in until 11:30 p.m. every night and were off again by 6:45 a.m. every morning. We were on a Downton Abbey tour with a packed schedule. Just got back last night---and boy, do I have a lot of stories to tell. Be patient---it's going to take a few days.

But for now---just a few little things:
I am such an idiot! One day, I had an adventure all by myself (that's an entire story all by itself). I started at this "tube" station in Green Park. When I got to the escalator, there were 3 of them. I needed to go down and noticed it was out-of-order. I started the long trek down. I got about 10 steps in when I took this picture. Then I continued the trek. Notice anything unusual? NOT ANOTHER SOUL WAS ON IT!! That should have been a clue.
Pretty soon, I noticed that ALL of the people coming UP were staring at me. Then, I noticed that to their left was another escalator that was working and was loaded with people going DOWN! Now, I'm feeling pretty stupid. But, did I think to just turn around and walk back UP 10 steps? Well, heck no! I continued down--enduring the humiliation of staring eyes. Once I got to the bottom, I snapped this shot so you can see how darn many steps there were---they go on to infinity! This is for sure the longest humiliation I suffered for being such an idiot. I'm very sorry to say, I gave Americans a bad name that day!
I snapped this shot and sent it to Butch and the girls with a caption: "Just my luck! But on the other hand, whoever thought I'd be "sitting" in Oxford!" I always try to look on the bright side!
This sign was in the bathroom area of The Albert Pub. I saw a similar one in the bathroom at a place we were having lunch at near Green Park. When I got back to the table, I told my friends about it. I said, "there weren't any other people down there besides me. What, do people just hang out down there waiting for people to use the bathroom and catch them at their most vulnerable?" Karolyn said, "Barb, I think they mean the greater area---not just the bathroom!" Well, duhhhh!

Like I said, an idiot!


  1. Hopefully they didn't know you were American!!!! Looking forward to your English tales.

  2. It sounds like you had a great time.

    I think they probably did mean operating in that one particular area. Yes, the pickpockets do strike when you are at your most vulnerable. When we were in Florence we were told the most dangerous place was in the little circle of people all looking up at the statue of David

  3. LOL Catching up today, so going to read more about this trip now! :)

    BTW - have you ever read my London escalator story? (http://melissagross.blogspot.com/2011/06/bowling-for-grandmas.html)


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