Sunday, November 19, 2023

Something for Sunday

Oh no you don't! 

Oh no you don't TARGET!!! 

You don't get to lure me back into your store!!! 

I'd rather suck up the 5 bucks than go back. 

You knew I liked sparkly things.

You knew I wouldn't be able to resist this sparkly, glitter paper.

You knew you sold me some wrapping paper that won't stick. What good is wrapping paper that won't actually wrap something? 

You knew I knew that nothing sticks to glitter. But, you blinded me as you always do when I get into your store. 

You take over my mind and body.

You make it so I can't think straight.

You knew I would have to come back to return it.

You knew! 

Now I know your tricks! 

You know I am weak.

I know I have to quit you cold turkey. Yet again.

1 comment:

  1. This happened to me last year so I feel your pain! So pretty to look at but impossible to wrap. We live and learn!


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