Saturday, September 30, 2023

Scrapbook Saturday

Here's my scrapbook story:

The year was 1996. Butch and I were getting ready to celebrate our 25th anniversary. Jack and Connie and David and Linda were also celebrating 25 years. We decided to celebrate together at the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas. Since it was January and the trip wasn’t until July, we girls decided to start saving our change. When the time came for the trip, we’d spend that money on jewelry. It wasn’t meant to be a competition, but it turned out to be. Linda started it by asking for all of her change in quarters! Anyway, we had a lot of fun with that. 

Over Memorial weekend, Butch and I went to St. Louis. That’s when I learned about this new “thing” called scrapbooking. I saw Bridget’s album and thought, “OMGosh! The girls would love this!” Chris, hooked me up with Mary, Bridget’s Creative Memories consultant. She invited me over to her house where she had a mini shop set up. I wanted everything and was trying to justify the purchase. That’s when it hit me! I don’t need more jewelry! So, I spent the money I’d been saving on scrapbook supplies—-$550 to be exact!!

Bridget and Marci came down later in the summer to get the girls started—teaching them how to use the tools. I joined in and played along. I was HOOKED! Truly, it was an unintentional consequence! I was too busy with my own life and hobbies. The rest is history. I moved my organization business from cleaning out closets to setting up craft rooms and teaching all sorts of classes from organizing photos to storytelling. I never looked back. It’s been 27 years now and I’ve never grown tired of it. I’m a storyteller at heart and still have many to tell!

On the lower left is a booklet I made for extra pictures. It started like this:
with an old CD folder.
It was taller than I needed.
So I cut it down to the size of the photos.
I started putting the pictures together.
I knew I was going to make little pull outs.
I did one on each side.
And as usual with scrapbooking, things never go as planned. It seemed simple enough--the story above printed on a folded card. But, I did it wrong several times. When I finally thought I had it right, it printed crooked on the left. You almost can't tell from this view, but it is. Actually, by the 4th time, I was done! It's going to stay crooked. I swear, it's always something!! It can be so frustrating! Sometimes I wonder why I love it so....

1 comment:

  1. Goodness, you've been scrapbooking a LONG time! You really did catch the bug before it became mega-popular.


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