Wednesday, September 20, 2023

What I Buy Wednesday

Well, I made my share of purchases in Nottingham and London. Many were gifts. We'll get to that in a second. 

But first, I'll tell you about my email chain with Butch. When we girls got home in the evening, I was able to email Butch and actually have a back-and-forth conversation. It was fun--until it wasn't! Here's how it went:

I told him about our day--all the details and that we'd had lunch on the roof of Selfridge's:
After lunch, we went shopping. Karolyn and Pam went off on their own. Stephanie and I went to a shoe store (all the departments in Selfridges are like little stores). Beth Ann joined us. We all made a purchase and met up with Kim in another shoe shop. The manager or clerk--not sure who he was, offered us water. I quipped, "I thought we were supposed to get champagne!" It was a high-class place! We all laughed and continued trying on shoes (well, not me-I had already bought my shoes!). A few minutes later, in walks the man from outside the store we were in with a tray of champagne! There is a beautiful bar inside of Selfridges--don't know if he went there. I think he knew he had some fish on the line!
Here we are with our champagne. The guy was supposed to be getting the shoes in the picture too, but he missed!
Here are the shoes that Stephanie (L) and Kim (R) bought. Stephanie got the matching purse--so cute. Beth Ann ended up getting a pair or maybe two. Let's put it this way, we all made several purchases. 

So, I was telling Butch about all of this and how "fancy" it made us feel. This was his response:

"Remember, you don’t have to try and spend all the money. I think you do that quite well at home!"

What you have bought Wednesday so far!
He sent me this picture of all the packages waiting at home. 

I responded:
"And just like that, you’ve taken the joy out of my trip! Did you forget that I’ve started Christmas shopping?"

To which he replied::
"And hopefully, you knew I was kidding! Do you think I really care about the packages here at home? Spend what you want and have a great time!"

You really can't read emotion into an email. That's when I went back and re-read it. His "What you have bought Wednesday so far" should have been the tip-off that he was kidding!! Pretty clever. 

So, I went on to have a great time! A VERY great time!

Now, on to the purchases. I'm sharing everyone's purchases. Starting with mine:
My new shoes are sort of tweedy and gold. I had to get the red commemorative ornament for my flocked tree.
Most of the rest except the tea pot are gifts.
Lots of tea---I cannot go to London and NOT buy tea--for gifts this time. Plus I always have to stop by Twinings in its original location from 1706. That just amazes me. Honestly, it makes me all tingly. I love my tea!
I have to say, that I was a bit disappointed this trip. I think the bloom is off this rose. They have completely remodeled the inside. It's all shiny, modern and new. The charm I so loved is gone. I talked to the clerk and asked about all of the historical portraits that lined the walls. She said they were in the basement. Although I'll enjoy walking by the outside, I won't feel compelled to go in anymore. A sad day for me. I was especially looking forward to sharing this special place with my friends. It's just not the same. 

I always buy a teapot when I go to London. I got the 2023 Coronation Commemorative tea pot from Fortnum and Mason. I'm going to have a "reunion" tea to talk about our trip while Diane is still in town in order to initiate my new teapot!
This part is for Butch. I came home with over £200 left! That means we have to go back soon so I can spend it! Actually, we're planning next year to head north to the Lake District. Can't wait.

Oh, and I forgot to add my earrings:
They are replicas of the "B" necklace that Anne Boleyn always wore. The "B" works for me!

Okay, on to the rest of the girls. Shopping together was so much fun. I don't really shop much anymore, so this was really a treat.

Kim has 7 grands and bought some fun things for them.

She also got these cute bracelets for gifts. You saw one pair of her shoes above. I think she got a couple pairs. 

Besides her shoes and purse(s), she got this wine glass with the London skyline.
Beautiful teacup. I could certainly be tempted, but I'll stick with my teapots. Now had there been a teapot in this pattern, I might have been tempted. Thank goodness. I have to limit myself to just one pot per trip (wow! say "onepotpertrip" three times really fast!)!
Thanks to Diane and Gren, we discovered grapefruit gin. Stephanie got this for Nicky. It's Tanqueray in a special decanter--very, very heavy! I put it in my carry-on for her. When we got to the plane, we had to walk up a long flight of stairs. My bag is a rolling bag, so it's no big deal if it's heavy. But I had to carry it up the steps while maintaining my own balance. I was hefting it up ahead of me and putting it on the steps, then catching up to it. A lady--much older than me was cheering me on--"You can do it! Only 6 more steps!" That made me feel really old myself!! I told her and everyone else around me about my daughter's huge and heavy bottle of gin. I don't know where she was as I should have had her carry it!! It is a beautiful bottle and I would have gotten one too--if I'd had the room! I am going to make them (Steph & Nicky) make me a g&t with it.

She also bought some grapefruit gin. She got a new purse, but that isn't shown. It's the camera strap style in a forest green. It suits her perfectly.

At the top are the 3 purses she bought---one for herself and two for her girls. They are also the camera strap style in a camel color. She found lots of goodies for herself and 4 grands.

Beth Ann:
She got a little of everything--clothes, shoes, purse--souvenir books. 

The only problem with all our shopping is that we did not have "show and tell." I really like to do that to see what everyone bought. This is the next best thing. Thanks, girls for sharing your pictures!

Let's just say, we all added to the economy of London on this trip! For sure!

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