Friday, September 29, 2023

Friday Frustrations

You might recall our saga of the security company. If not, you can read about it here. After bragging that I had success with getting our security system upgraded for $200, nothing ever happened. Nothing! Nada! They totally ghosted me!!

But, there's a new wrinkle. Now they are calling again about lack of payment: FOR A SYSTEM WE DO NOT HAVE! I am not answering the phone. So, I got this:
Okay, so it's kind of hard to read, but basically, it's a letter about lack of payment. And then...

...this! Another friggin' bill---this time with an overdue section. I'm telling you, this company is incompetent. I think I'll keep everything in case they try to take us to court. OMGosh! I DARE them! 

You might think I would worry about what this might be doing to our credit. Credit? We don't need it! In the meantime, we still have no security system. I probably should do something about that. At least for the fire protection. After all, we did have to have the fire department come out one time--but wait! We called them that one time. Remember, when I put Christmas tree branches in the fireplace that caused a fire in the chimney? And then the fire department came out on their own once, but that was a false alarm. 

Maybe we don't need a security system after all.

And just because I cannot leave you on a sour note when it's supposed to be Friday Funnies:
Doesn't everybody check the coin return? Well, we used to when there were pay phones!

1 comment:

  1. I would be so cross to receive that correspondence! Keep everything as evidence!!!


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