Sunday, September 3, 2023

Something for Sunday

We made it to London yesterday. We crammed a lot into our first day so as to keep ourselves awake. More on our trip tomorrow and just about every day this week. Until then...

Today, I thought I would give you an update on Elizabeth and how it's going at The Paul Mitchell School. Let's just start with: She LOVES it!! It's only been two weeks, but she's off to a great start.

On her first day, they called it "Kit-mas" when they gave the students their kits. E was so excited:

That's a lot of stuff!

Five days in, she texted me that she was already learning a lot!

She also sent me two short videos, but I've never been able to get those to work on my blog. 

These photos and videos were followed by this: "Grammy, I got a 100 on my first test, both the written and the part where I actually do things on my mannequin!!"

Then if all this weren't enough, Butch came home on Thursday and told me about his interaction with the gal who cut his hair. He shared it with Elizabeth and family:

Yesterday, I went to get my haircut and I noticed a Paul Mitchell case under the counter of the young lady who was cutting my hair. So I asked her if she had gone to the Paul Mitchell School. Well for the next 30 minutes she went on and on about what a great experience it was and how they really teach you everything you will need for a successful career. She said it was one of the best experiences of her life! She just couldn’t say enough good things about the school and how well they treat the students.

She said you should try to “earn” the right to go to “Phase Two”, which if I understood her correctly gives you much more “floor time” with real customers and more training. Also, there is something called “Caper”, which you also have to earn by being one of the top performers in your class. Hers was a trip to Las Vegas for a big convention with students from other Paul Mitchell Schools. She said she thinks they now hold these Capers meetings in Disney. Apparently, its a big thing to get to go.

Good luck!

To which Sandy responded:
That’s so good to hear! Elizabeth is loving it so far and has already met some fun girls, and she got 100% on her first test! They did mention something about “caper” but I’m not sure what that means. She would be thrilled to get to go to Disney! It really seems like this is the absolute perfect path for Elizabeth! 

My final word:
The girl has always known her calling!!

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