Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Tuesday Thoughts About...

...cutting broccoli.

Last Saturday, I went to the grocery store and offered to pick up groceries for Stephanie too. I decided to mirror her list. Whatever they were eating for the week, we were going to eat for the week.

She bought some ready made---just heat in the microwave---rice. Now, I'm not much of a rice lover unless it's flavored (like Rice a Roni) or in something like a casserole or gumbo. Anyway, she had the basmati rice on her list. I opted for the jasmine rice because that "sounded" like it might have some sort of flavor. I was wrong! I didn't like it at all. We topped it with our bourbon glazed salmon, so that helped some. I ended up throwing most of it away.

She also had Teddy Graham 100 calorie packs on the list. I was shocked to see that they were $5.00 for a box of 10 packs. A regular box is about 2 bucks. I got that. I was almost going to package the "teddy's" for her (you get 24 for 120 calories), but decided that I would just get what she put on the list. Later, she said that she would have opted for the box and bag her own too when she saw the price. Next time.

Now we move on to broccoli. She had a "bag" of the florets on her list. Again---5 bucks! A bunch of broccoli was around 2. I got the $5.00 bag for her and the $2.00 bunch for us. She said that she's all about convenience. I get that, but cutting broccoli is about the easiest thing in the world. I told her that I bet I could cut up the broccoli in the time it takes her to open the bag. Mindy said she didn't really know how to cut broccoli either.

Sooooo, this is for Stephanie and Mindy (and anyone else who doesn't know how to cut broccoli):
This batch of broccoli had 3 large stalks. I don't even wash it since it's going to be boiled. If I was roasting it or steaming it, I might---but I don't usually cook it that way.
I cut about a half inch off the bottom and then hold the top and cut straight down the middle of the stem. I do not cut in to the floret parts.
 Then I turn it 90 degrees and cut the stem again.
At that point it's really easy to just pull it apart. If you prefer chopped broccoli, just start at the bottom of the stem and cut up to the florets.
Simple! My favorite way to cook it for just about zero calories is to drop a few beef or chicken bouillon cubes in the water. Afterwards, you do not have to add anything else---no butter or anything. Last night, I made a white sauce because I wanted the sauce to go with the Omaha Steaks country fried steaks that I was making. They are good, but the first time I made them, I felt like they needed gravy. Butch agreed. The white sauce worked just fine.

So there you have my thoughts about broccoli---so easy. Steph, give it a try and let me know how it turned out! Love, mom!

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