Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

Last week, I got my first Mother's Day gift. Mindy wanted me to have it for Easter. You can see why.
From left to right: Peter Cottontail, Jemima Puddleduck, and mother rabbit with Flopsy, Mopsy and Cotton Tail. Mindy couldn't believe I remembered all the names. I have the books! Okay, I confess, I looked some of them up. I always thought Peter was Peter Cotton Tail. but he had a brother. The only way you can tell them apart is that Peter is the only one with a blue jacket. Hence, Peter above, is just Peter Rabbit not Peter Cottontail.

And there you have a little Beatrix Potter trivia for the day.


  1. Happy Easter. We visited Beretrix Potter's house - Princess likes the books :-)

  2. I hope you had a lovely Easter!

    When I was little my Mum had a book of patterns for Beatrix Potter soft toys so she made a Peter rabbit for my brother and Flopsy and Mopsy for my sister and me. We still have them


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