Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Friday and What I Gave Up for Lent

Actually, I don't "give up" anything any more. Each year I try to add something to make me a better person. Since I can use so much help, the possibilities are endless!

This year, I focused on other drivers that totally make me nuts!! I have little patience and could be known to suffer a little road rage. Not enough that the other driver would ever know---or that could cause me to get shot or anything, but I do certainly huff and puff and call them "stupid" while behind the wheel in my own car. I had to keep it "G" rated since I always had kids in the car, so it stuck. Still, I probably use the "S" word at least 5 times a day.

Each time I caught myself hyperventilating and calling other drivers "stupid," I immediately calmed myself down, apologized and then said a little prayer for the other driver for being so stupid. 

So maybe I didn't get it 100% but it's a start!


  1. I'm sure sitting in the back and listening to you as you drive would be great fun :)

  2. LOL - ever since I put a fish on the back of my car I've been very cautious about getting upset with other drivers! Even if they don't know it, I do! Robbie on the other hand sometimes wishes the fish wasn't there! LOL


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