Thursday, September 8, 2011

I Fear I'm Not Far Behind!

This is a typical conversation at lunch with my old lady bridge friends.
Old Lady #1: "Did I hear you say that Linda M. was in a car accident?"
Old Lady #2: "Yes, she hydroplaned in the rain the other day."
OL#1: "Well Nancy L. was in a car accident too."
OL#2: "OMG, I hadn't heard that."
OL#1: "I thought everyone knew that. Wait, you said Linda S. was in a car accident?"
OL#2: "No, I said Linda M. was in a car accident. Was Nancy L. hurt?"
OL#1: "Yes, but that was years ago. So was Linda S. hurt?"
OL#2 (now throwing up her hand frustratingly): "No, it was Linda M. As far as I know, Linda S. was NOT in a car accident! But Linda M. is really shook up."

This is so typical. They get everything all mixed up and I find my head spinning trying to make sense of it all. Conversation #2.

Me: "Did any of you see The Help?"
OL#1: "I tried to see it, is it still playing?"
Me: "Yes--at least in Green Hills."
OL#2: "I've heard The Debt is good."
Me: "A friend of mine just saw it and said it's good but you have to really pay close attention."
OL#1: "I tried to go to Cool Springs. I don't think it's playing anymore."
OL#2: "I think it just came out."
Me: "Yeah, I know my friend just saw it over the weekend."
OL#1: "All I know is The Help's not playing in Cool Springs."
OL#3: "I want to see Sarah's Key."
Me: "I'm seeing that tomorrow."
OL#1: "I thought you were seeing The Help---it's not playing in Cool Springs."
Me: "No, I already saw The Help a few weeks ago. I'm seeing Sarah's Key tomorrow in Green Hills."
OL#1: Well, all I know is The Help is not playing in Cool Springs."
OL#3: "I never knew the French were as bad as the Nazi's."
OL#2: "The Debt's about the Nazi's?"
Me: "Excuse me ladies, I need to use the restroom before we go back to the bridge table."

OMG---they can really drive me nuts! I did joke with them that I would be 75 and OLD too in just a mere 15 years. Scary! I'm so afraid that my conversations are going to go like theirs! Most of these gals are in their 80's to 90's. As confused as they can be in normal conversation, their minds are totally clear at the bridge table. They are shaaaarrrrpppp!

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