I'm finally getting around to posting these layouts from the guys.
This is Butch's layout that I forgot to bring last month. I made a pocked for the journaling. If you make the picture bigger you can see a detail at the top---a couple little scraps of the patterned paper that I used my sewing machine and a zig zag stitch to attach. |
This is Jack's layout from last month that I forgot also---I don't know where my mind was. Anyway, probably the most interesting detail on his page is the photo corners. I bunched them all together to form arrows. An old idea, but still fun to do now and then. |
I just love Nancy's title on this one. This months topic was sibling rivalry. She used the name of a popular hamburger restaurant here for the title to Bill's page. He has 4 brothers (no girls---their poor mother). Nancy used another simple technique that I haven't used in quite awhile---pen lines to outline the entire layout. You have to look close and feel it to see that it's not stitching. |
Karolyn set up her journaling to print landscape style on Bruce's page. He told the story of a high school trip to Mexico. He had tons of memorabilia, so Karolyn put it all in a pocket. I also challenged the girls to find a magazine ad to use as an inspiration piece for the layout. Hers is below. I had one right next to me, but then promptly forgot to use it! |
For Bill's "Road Trip" page, he chose a couple of family trips---Alaskan cruise with his brothers and a Florida trip when Tucker and Katie were little. Below is her inspiration piece. She did a good job of holding true to the layout. |
Susan decided to be a rebel this month (her words). That doesn't bother me a bit. I always give them license to do whatever they want and whatever is most conducive to the story. My goal with this group is to just get the stories recorded. She documented Pete's scouting days and the trips that went along with that. |
Pam did Hugh's layout based on a recent trip to Alabama where they picked up his brother and took a trip to visit all of their old homes and school. That brought back lots of memories for both of them. |
Jack documented many of the memorable trips he's had over the years---many were compliment of Uncle Sam. HIs trip to Saudi Arabia for "Desert Storm" wasn't exactly a vacation! |
When the time came to do this layout, Butch said, "I'll need to get that box out of the attic---I know I've got some pictures in there." I could have smacked him! He had another box in the attic with PICTURES!! Here I thought I had ALL of his stuff. Turns out, he had a bunch of pictures that I could have used on previous pages. I might have to go back and try to add them. |
Butch had so many pictures that I made a little fold out. You can see it open here on the right. Below you can see how it opens again to display the journaling. I used the tickets---folded in half---as tabs. |
Jeanne used the title "Going Places" on Jim's layout. This photo doesn't do it justice. I remember that I really liked her title, but can't remember exactly what she did. Jeanne, leave a comment below and explain it. (I think I have fixed the comment problem---give it a try.)
The topic for next month is "My Stuff" where they focus on a few of their favorite things and the stories behind them.
I'll be posting the layouts I did at the retreat a couple of weeks ago---very soon. |
Sorry about the layouts that have overlapped. I have no idea how that happened or how to fix it. When I got back to edit this post, it is not overlapped.