I honored Butch's request and did not wear ANY jewelry to New Orleans---but really more because I didn't want to have to take it all off in security. But this time I lost a little something more precious---my HEARING! Last night we went to Pat O'Brien's in the French Quarter. We were sitting there enjoying the music, drinking (okay, not me this time---learned my lesson last time and am on medication for another hive "episode" (sigh) and minding our own business. Well, they started singing the song "You took a fine time to leave me Lucille (you bitch, you ____, you _____---Connie knows how it goes)", after that raunchy line, intended to get people riled up, a guy standing behind us and encroaching on our space--I might add, gave one of those unexpected, shrill whistles. It hit my ear like a freight train and caused me to have that slightly foggy hearing sensation for the rest of the night. It's too early this morning and everyone else is still sleeping (nearly 9 a.m.) for me to determine if it has improved.
On a brighter note, my hives are much improved as they always are after meds. That was my own darn fault. I knew that wearing flip flops for the first time in months would cause a flare-up if worn too long. But, all of us girls decided to have pedicures. I was sort of thinking we would do them later in the day---after our shopping spree in the French Quarter. But everyone decided that it was a better idea to have our toes done first---before it got too crowded, which was a good call. As a result, it put me on Canal street all day with flip flops. By the time we got back to The Columns Hotel at 6 p.m., I'd had them on 11 hours. Not good, my feet were a mess and I had a few other random hives cropping up. I'm just so thankful that I had remembered to bring the prednisone with me. It will be my constant traveling companion from now on!
Did you know that cab driver's will not drive you through fast food drive throughs? He said it's too dangerous---don't really get that---is the McDonald's window worker going to "stick him up" with a straw? We left the bar at 11:30 and were pretty hungry after not having any dinner. Our original plan was to have a late lunch (we had the #1 burgers in New Orleans at 5 p.m. at Port of Call) and then have appetizers at the bar as our dinner. Pat O'Brien's doesn't serve appetizers, so we were out of luck. We got back to our hotel where the bar was still "hopping" to discover that they don't serve any food on Saturday nights---go figure. The bartender sent us down the street to Fat Harry's---supposedly only 4 blocks. Sure it might have only been 4 blocks, but they were those really long New York north/south blocks. At least we were entertained by watching Mindy navigate the uneven and broken sidewalks while being slightly tipsy in 4" stiletto heels. She only stumbled once and lost a shoe. but quickly recovered--leaving no doubt that she's done this before and is really used to it. The girl takes after her father when it comes to drinking! At Port of Call, she and Al had the Monsoon which was pure alcohol and 16 oz. to boot! (Another danger to beware of in New Orleans---watch out for any drinks with names like "Hand Grenades", "Hurricanes" or "Monsoon"---they are guaranteed to pack a punch (total lesson learned for me). If you want to know what's in them---forget it---you can't find out. Back at the hotel, the girls had 2 glasses of wine in the bar, had a Hurricane and 2 vodka tonics at Pat O's. Mindy can really hold her alcohol. Also like her dad, she gets quieter and quieter. That alone is a dead give-a-way with Mindy that she is slightly not herself and doesn't think anyone will notice if she just tries to stay quiet with a "cat that just ate the canary" grin on her face. Didn't fool me! Ooops, I guess I'm giving away her secrets. Let's just say not only can she (and Al too) hold her own, but I would put her up with any other family members---okay, not Zimmermann's!
I'm really looking forward to the champagne jazz brunch that I missed the last time and had to pay for anyway. I'll be sure to get my money's worth this time!!!
Leaving Mindy today won't be as sad as usual since she'll be home in two weeks for out next trip. This time we're off to San Antonio with the Black girls (Pam, Anna and Lauren). I might just throw back a few with them. Pam's my drinking buddy you know!