Wednesday, June 26, 2024

What I Buy Wednesday

Today, you get a "two-fer"! Really it's about a couple purchases from a while ago as I haven't bought anything this week.

You might remember that I mentioned that Butch bought me (or rather my car) the unlimited carwash pass. Well, on Saturday we went out to run some errands. We stopped at the carwash on the way home. I had no idea...
...that you were supposed to dry your car? They have the dryers at the end of the carwash. I just drive away when I'm finished. But not Butch. He pulled out a towel and wiped down the whole thing.

And then there's this earlier purchase.
It's a water canna lily. Now that it's blooming, it should continue through the summer until frost. 

That's it for this week.

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