Sunday, June 23, 2024

Something for Sunday

I had something different planned for today but that will have to wait. I have something far more fun and interesting to report. And it couldn't be more timely!

Yesterday, my friend, Susan called. She shared with me a scrapbook mishap that she had. She was in a bit of a hurry to add a few finishing touches to an album that she wanted to show some visiting relatives. When she finished adding the additional embellishments, she "accidentally"--as in not thinking--which tends to cause ALL of our scrapbook mishaps--attached the page on the outside of the page protector! There was no getting that off! After a laugh with her, I told her that all "boo-boos" are fixable. All we---and by "we" I mean--"she"--all she has to do is to slide a new page protector over the whole works! Voila'--no one will know the difference! 

Then we proceeded to talk about other topics. When she told me about her daughter being in London, my first thought was, "OMGosh! She's going to see Taylor Swift!" I was immediately jealous---okay maybe not the green-eyed monster type, but definitely very, very envious. 

Susan quickly set me straight. Her daughter, Sarah was there for the Royal Ascot Race! What? It wasn't until about a year ago that I even learned what that was! ME! The royal--anything--lover! Not only is Sarah there, this is her second time! Okay, I'll admit, the envy is rising again! I never even knew that I might like to go, but now it seems like a bucket list item---especially since Susan shared the pictures. 

But first, let's go way back. Way.

Here in Nashville, we have our very own horse races that only happen once a year. It's called The Steeplechase. It's our version of the royal races. It's THE social event of the year. It's where people go to people watch. To see and be seen! It's all about the hats. 

Here's Susan--all gussied up!
I'm not exactly sure how many years we've been doing it---probably around 35. This was one of the early years. Here's another:
That's Susan on the right. One thing about Steeplechase, it's hot. Really hot! 

These days for us, it's a family affair. It's ALL day in that hot sun. I haven't even gone the past few years. 

Now back to the Royal Ascot. The RA is obviously 5 steps above our Steeplechase. There's much more pomp and circumstance with anything to do with the royals--exactly why I love anything royal. I love these pictures!
This is the entrance to their "royal" hotel. The Goring has been on my list to go to for tea for quite awhile now. So many awesome places for tea, so little time. By golly, The Goring has just been bumped to the top. Since I've never seen it, I had no idea--the flowers!! Swoon! And that handsome couple--meet Kendrick and Sarah. 
So fancy, champagne, top hat and tails!

I love Sarah's silk dress--what a pretty shade of green. Although I don't know for sure, I have a feeling that her hat is adorned with fresh flowers. You know how I am about flowers. The hydrangeas are incredible. 

But this is what melted my heart:
For those of you who aren't British (like I am--okay, a Brit wannabe), you will recognize the song as "My Country Tis of Thee" or simply "America". But it's actually called "God Save the Queen!" Yes, I knew that! 

Side note: I have never been able to add a video to my blog. I sure hope this works. It's only 20 seconds long, but there's a surprise at the end! Wait for it!

Yeah, the next time Sarah's in town, I need to have her and Susan over for a "proper tea." That way we can share a pot of either my Jubilee Tea or Coronation Tea--direct from London. Hmm, I'll make both. After all I have the Coronation Teapot from Fortnum & Mason AND the classic Fortnum & Mason teapot. 
Okay, now I'm just showing off! But I really would love to have Sarah over to "spill the tea" with me and her mom about the Royal Ascot and seeing the royal family!! I'm starry-eyed just thinking about it!

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