Saturday, June 29, 2024

Something for Sunday

You might be getting sick of seeing these pictures, but I am just so amazed! 
I took this picture on May 15th. Pretty scraggly. Well, look at it now!
This is just 6 weeks later.

This one's my favorite--also taken on May 15th. I would have thought this one stood no chance.
See that, 6 or 7 leaves. And now this:
Unbelievable! Honestly, I don't think it can get much bigger. I did not change the soil or pot size. I did add a little fertilizer so obviously it likes that! I think being outside has more to do with it than anything. Years ago, when I couldn't afford much in the way of plants, I always put them outside. They would always revive--at least enough to get through another winter. 

I'll take it!

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