Wednesday, January 29, 2020

What I Buy Wednesday

I bought a new pair of hiking boots.
Now before you scoff and think---"I don't think Barb's the hiking type!" To that I say, you don't know me very well! Okay, so I don't hike regularly---or very much---for that matter. But given the right opportunity, I'm happy to do it---like Yosemite (still the most beautiful place in the USA) or to get to see something unusual or fun while geo-caching. I'm preparing for just that scenario. We're going to Sedona soon. We'll be all over the state of Arizona.

I'll have lots of opportunities to use these boots. But, there's one thing about these boots I don't like. They were cheap. You know the old saying, "you get what you pay for!" Well I think that applies here. I bought them because they are light weight, very padded and comfortable. When I got them, I did not like that they are stamped in white with the name "fashion." I guess that's another word for cheap---not a real brand name. So, I took a page out of Butch's book.

A couple years ago, we got really nice back packs as a gift from the cruise lines we were sailing with. But, they had their logo embroidered boldly in white on them. Butch got the bright idea to use a Sharpie to blacken the writing to dull the harsh lettering. It worked. The name of the  cruise line was no longer the main thing you saw.

I decided to do the same. As a result, you can see in the photo above where I colored the logo so that it barely shows.
 Here you can see it a little better. Still, it's not too bad.

Sooooo, on to the real purpose of this post.

Connie was telling us about a woman she knows who told her that when her husband's mother died, she had over 200 pairs of shoes in her closet. That lead to a discussion. Connie said that she thought she probably had around 25 pairs. I said I was sure it was more than that. She counted and discovered that she has 50 pairs---not counting her slippers and 2 pairs of old boots.

I counted my shoes---47 pairs for me---not counting my slippers (3 pair) and 2 pair of rain boots. I'm not surprised. We both agree that we probably don't wear 20 of those pairs! We've challenged a couple of other friends to count theirs! What about you? How many? I would love to share those numbers here!! Start with how many pairs you think you have and then count. You'll be so surprised.

Anyway, to wrap up this post, while I was counting, I moved my new pair of boots and noticed this:
I didn't notice that the logo was on both sides too! Looks like I have more "coloring" to do! Now, if they are as comfortable as they feel, I'm looking forward to trying them out!


  1. My off-the-cuff guess was 15. My actual count is 19 - which includes: sneakers(4), work shoes(2), slippers(2), snow boots(1), dress boots(2), dress sandals(3), flip flops(4), and even my pair of water shoes! I had forgotten flip flops and water shoes when I did the quick mental tally.

  2. My guess would have been 45 because I have a 3 part shoe rack that holds 15 pair in each. I have 49 in total because 1 slot is empty, my hiking boots are in the garage, my cowboy boots in a box, my slippers, tennis shoes, and slip on Keds are on the floor in various places. I have implemented a 1 pair in, one pair out policy.

  3. Oh wait. Make it 50, I forgot my foldable Tieks flats still packed in my suitcase.

  4. Great idea to 'personalise' your comfy boots in this way so you're not giving free advertising for the makers to the world in general! Hoping you really enjoy roaming the countryside on your trip away in them, and do let us know how it goes. Pairs of shoes and boots? Mmm, probably more than I am prepared to admit to!

  5. I have a set of eight shoe boxes which hold almost all of my shoes. Hiking boots x2 (old pair kept for gardening/diy), two pairs of slippers.


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