Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Last of the Big Snow

post signatureOkay, this will be the last post about the snow. I know the northerners out there are just laughing at us. But something we get so infrequently is very exciting. For the two days that it lasts. We never get to the stage where the snow looks all yucky---it melts way before then.

We got the snow on Friday and enjoyed it Saturday. Just two days. Here's what it looked like from Mindy's 10th story condo on Friday night:

These were a couple beautiful shots posted on Facebook:
 Heading downtown and a partial view of the city skyline.
And this one---just because it's so cute.

Since Mindy and Justin live downtown, they were able to walk to the restaurants and honky tonks having fun along the way.

Mindy posted on Facebook: "Way before Adele and her song, me and my snow hat were just like..."

You will recall these views from the front porch on Saturday---7 inches:

 I went out Sunday and risked life and limb for a hair appointment. It truly was treacherous. It took me 55 minutes to make a normal 20 minute drive---the main road was solid ice. Anyway, I snapped this shot when I got home. When I left, I drove through the 7 inches on the driveway. I got home 5 hours later to this. It's almost all gone.
And this is Monday. The temperatures were in the 50's all day and night. That's Nashville for you, it's 15 degrees one day and 50 the next. Luckily for us, it's going to be in the 60's this weekend for the wedding. Good thing, we don't really own heavy winter coats down here, y'all!

This may be my last post  before the wedding. Sandy and family arrive tomorrow. I really don't have much to do---just a Sam's run today, pick up petit fours, theater tonight. Tomorrow, I'm getting my nails done,  playing bridge, going to the grocery store and checking the house to make sure everything is in order. 

I'm ready.


  1. George snow pictures!!! Great weather for crafting :) Thanks for stopping by!!

  2. Nashville sure looked a lot prettier than here! Our snow was too powdery to stick to the trees, although it sure managed to pile high on the roofs. Since the storm we've had highs up to 40, so a bit of melting. I can see out my office window again. But it'll be a while before we see grass again!

  3. Glad you were all able to enjoy it - and you got to the hair appointment safely!. My friend in Huntsville had similar snow photos, amazing how fast it will go away.

  4. Great snapshots - love the one with her Hello hat!

  5. Have a wonderful wedding!

    I'll be honest: I'd love some snow here. I want some pretty pictures like these


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