Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Would the Real Energizer Bunny Please Stand Up?

I always refer to myself as the Energizer Bunny when I'm on high doses of prednisone. But this little girl runs circles around me! Here's the story.

I left my Fitbit at my sister's house on Friday in my rush to get ready for my nephew's wedding. I had just flown in from the beach, so time was tight. The next day, when I got to Jeanne's, my first thought was to get my Fitbit. My brother-in-law, Scott told me he logged thousands of steps for me when he did his run. That was certainly nice, but of course, I would not be able to claim those steps in our family challenge. That led me to finally do what I'd been thinking about for a long time---put my Fitbit on Evie. That little girl NEVER stops! She wears me out just watching her.
Here, she just kept jumping up and down on the edge of the counter. I have no idea why a three year old would think that was fun, but she did.
 More jumping and jumping....
 And jumping...
I got her to stop for a minute so I could get a picture. She took the wearing of my Fitbit so seriously that she kept checking to make sure it was still there.
She really had no idea what it was all about, but I showed her how she could check to see the flower grow. That flower was at the highest level it's ever been---for 2 hours and 20 minutes! That's how active she was. The most I've ever had for active minutes has been 30 or 40 minutes. Evie logged over 8,000 steps! I'm not even sure that's really the truth of it since it's set for me---I'd say it takes 3 of  her little steps to equal one of mine---but I'm not exactly sure how it works. Most astounding is that she had 37 flights of stairs!! OMGosh! She was up and down the slide quite a bit---it's a tall slide---but 37 flights. That's amazing.

What happened to us? Where did our 3 year old energy go? I want it back! Next time you see me, I just might be jumping up and down at the edge of my counter. Just maybe....


  1. That's funny! I wouldn't mind borrowing it just to see how many flights of our stairs I could log in a day. Probably not 37

  2. You'd have to adjust the fitbit settings for her height to know how many steps she really got in. Wouldn't it be nice if we could bottle that energy???

  3. LOL - I think we just don't let our excitement translate into activity anymore!

  4. Have you heard the theory that kids suck energy out of their parents? Often thought there was some truth in that. How fun to see the flower grow tho and be excited by jumping :)


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