Thursday, December 18, 2014

Just About All Better!

I'm finally getting some sleep and feeling like myself again. The coughing is annoying---I'm fine until I start talking. NOT talking is not an option! Anyway, I'm feeling good and ready to get this house back in order. The remodeling is just about done. Facing a lot of cleaning before I can start decorating. But in the meantime, here are a couple of sneaks:

Until we opened up the cabinet, I had no idea the tv was so little!!! The big one arrives tomorrow along with the theater seating. I'm so excited. This is what I call FUN work!! We'll have the rooms looking good just in time for Christmas with the whole family here. But it will be January before I get all the crap cleaned out of every room and closet upstairs---where we had to stash 30 years worth of all the stuff that accumulated in the rec room. There are a lot of cabinets and closets---all of which need cleaning out---again! I've promised Butch that I won't obsess. It will be hard, but I'm going to try to relax and just do a little at a time. I have a tendency to work long and hard---and drive my family crazy---working until I'm ready to drop. But actually, since I'm still recuperating for nearly 2 weeks of being sick, I really can't work that hard.

All is good! Oh, and by the way, Butch and I survived it!! He quit having opinions pretty early on!!


  1. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better.

    I'm envying you all those wonderful cupboards. When we moved house nine years ago we left behind all the built in cupboards we had put in and I still miss them - haven't managed to add enough here yet

  2. It does look like it's going to be a fabulous room! I'm so glad you are feeling better - do NOT overdo it & have a relapse before Christmas!! :)

    I'm with you on working too hard on one project. I had wanted to do more decluttering this year, but really didn't get to it with my concentration being on getting healthy, losing weight, and having FUN. So, I'm making a new plan for 2015 -lots of organizing/decluttering - one small space at a time.

  3. You take care now!! the stuff will still be there tomorrow and after 30 years there's no rush eh? So glad you are feeling better

  4. Oh its going to look wonderful. I love that fabric in fact it would work with the new furniture in our family room. My timing didn't work out as well as yours, so I'm living with miss-matched curtains in there during the holidays. But I can totally relate to 30 years of accumulation - I think 2015 is going to be a major purging/downsizing around here. I can't wait to see your finished pictures and get even more inspiration.


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