Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Tuesday Thoughts About...


When we went to Mass on Sunday, I saw something I had never seen before: a "lost and found" table in the narthex. 
I thought it was so funny that they named it "St. Anthony's Lost and Found!" St. Anthony is the patron saint of "lost articles." Not to be confused with St. Jude-the patron saint of "lost causes"--although you can pray to them both in tandem for their help. It's pretty much a sure thing. People--some who aren't even Catholic, but know about the power of the saints--pray to them too. I cannot tell you how many people have told me that Tony came through for them! I'm, definitely a believer!
There are lots of toys and books. There are keys--which surprises me because, don't you need them to get home? I guess they belong to the spouse who isn't driving. There are many rosaries and religious medals. There are lots of gloves, mittens, scarves assorted glasses--lots of umbrellas too! But what gets me are the water bottles. 

Since when do people think it's appropriate to bring a beverage to Mass. We're not talking little kids bottles or cups--these are full on big water bottles. Seriously, people cannot go for an hour without a drink?? If that is really the case, there is always a water fountain in the back.

It would be interesting to see how many items are claimed. When I stopped to take these pictures, Butch asked me if I was looking to pick up something. Of course not--that would be stealing and then I'd have to go to confession. And you can't do that on Sunday. It wouldn't be worth it! 

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