On Friday a week ago, I was having lunch with my high school friend, Cathy. We were talking about upcoming travel. I mentioned that Butch and I were taking the girls to New York in April. She asked me what shows we were going to see. I told her that we were seeing "The Great Gatsby" and then---since we're going to Paris in June, I had picked "Moulin Rouge." She asked me why I would pick that since we just saw it last year. I told her that I must have been out-of-town because I didn't see it. She said, "Yes you did! Don't you remember that we discussed it since they had updated the music?"
Yep, I did remember that and realized that indeed I had seen it. Later, when I got home, I emailed Stephanie and Mindy to say that we'd really messed up--since if I saw it, so did they. They have season tickets too.
Mindy responded first:
"Hahaha I knew we had already seen it. I just assumed maybe you missed that one when it was here for some reason. I didn’t protest because it was really, really good."
And then Stephanie:
"It was this season, Mom! Less than 6 months ago - how did you not remember? LOL! I was surprised you picked it, but I liked it enough so it’ll be fine."
Luckily, Butch and Sandy haven't seen it. It really is good--now that I remember it!!!
On another note, a few weeks ago, we were supposed to go to see "Peter Pan." For one reason (weather) and another (we're old), we decided NOT to go. I offered our tickets to my friend, Cathy. She goes on the same night that we do, but has seats way in the back. Ours are primo!! I offered our seats to her and she took me up on it.
Nancy and Connie, listen up. You won't believe what we missed! Cathy told me that she was sitting next to some guy that looked familiar. She asked him if they'd ever met. He told her that he was an actor.
OMGosh! It was Johnny Galecki star of the "Big Bang Theory!!!" We loved that show. Cathy said she had never seen it!!! I think he might have been surprised that she didn't really know who he was? That's probably rare for him.
Stars can move freely in Nashville because we do not have paparazzi! Still, I'll bet he was disappointed that Cathy had no idea who he was!!
Darn it! I can't believe we missed him!!! I've loved him since he was on Roseanne!!
That's what we get for not going!
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